
How much is a day at disneyland: Total amount to budget

How much it will cost to be in Disneyland for a day has risen over the years due to the cost of running the park and other factors. Before, one person could gain entry into the park for just $1 but the story is longer like that. Maybe it’s because of inflation or general commodity price hike. 

Families and individuals see Disneyland as the best destination for any type of trip they wish to embark on. For some kids, it’s like a dream come true when they finally visit Disneyland. Adults on the other hand are not left out in the fun this park has in store for quests. One day Experience here is worth every penny you invest in it but do you think the frequent price hike is good? Well, everyone will have different opinions when it comes to prices of tickets and other commodities at this park. 

How much is a day at disneyland

How much you need to have before visiting Disneyland depends on many factors which includes but are not limited to;

  • Hotel 
  • Disneyland ticket 
  • Genie+ lighting lanes 
  • Travel 
  • Car parking 
  • Souvenir 
  • Food
  • (extras)


So, for you to spend a day in Disneyland, you need to book a hotel, which in most cases is not cheap. Prices for some hotels that are very close to the park range from $350 to $1,000. You will get it cheap off season and very expensive during season periods. 

Disneyland ticket cost 

Before you can have access to Disney park you need to have a ticket. Even though the cost was the same over the years, there have been significant changes depending on the day you will visit. 

One day tier 0 ticket costs $104 but the highest tier ticket now costs around $169 for just one day, and can go up to $179 in peak season. 

Genie+ lighting lanes 

This is a ticket to have a fast lane for rides during your visit. The cost is now $25 after it rose from the previous cost of $20. Though some may not need this, it’s fun. 

Travel cost 

So, you need to travel from your place of residence to Disneyland and it can be by flight or car. This part is left for you depending on where you are coming from. 

Car parking 

The cost of parking your car starts from $30 to $50 depending on the park you have chosen. 


One thing I love about this park is that there’s a meal for everyone; whether you are vegan or with a special health issue, you will definitely find a good meal. The price of one meal is from $10 to $20. Although some restaurants will still charge around $40 for full meal service. But guess what? You have the right to bring your own food to Disneyland if you wish. 


This particular one depends on you. There are plenty of souvenirs to choose from; Disney mug, Disney artwork, trading pins, cookbook, cast members autograph, Disney themed clothes, Disney candy and snacks. 


Spending a day in Disneyland? You need some extra stuff like strollers which cost around $18 for a day. Another one is locker rentals. The price of a locker for your food or other property is $7 to $15. 

Minus the cost of traveling, it will cost a single person around $186 to visit Disneyland without buying souvenirs and spending a night in the hotel. However, if you intend to spend a night here, buy souvenirs, and with kids, then budget around $1,000 for just one day.

Frequently asked questions 

Is Disneyland cheap to visit? 

The general answer is No. This park is not cheap to visit unless you wish to go off season when there’s no rush. 

Can I take my family to Disneyland? 

Since you can afford to sponsor the trip, taking your family to Disneyland is a good idea. 


How much to spend a day at Disneyland is your choice since there are options to spend less. If you go through this article, I was able to point out things that may cost you some money. 


Travel tips: 50 best travel tips you should know as a traveler

These travel tips will help you avoid mistakes as you plan on your next trip. Although, you have to travel very often to gain experience and knowledge about traveling in general, tips from a frequent traveler will give you a head start. 

Having a bad travel experience will give you the idea that ‘you shouldn’t travel again’. Imagine spending money to visit your dream country and you later didn’t enjoy the trip, how would you feel? Angry right? That’s why you still need to have clear knowledge about traveling from someone who has been traveling for a very long time. 

Best travel tips you should know as a traveler 

Tips are very important information. 

#1. Read about your destination 

I don’t even have to stress this point since you should have known about the importance of knowing facts about your destination

2. Learn basic language 

Are you traveling to a country that speaks another language? Then you should help yourself by learning basic words in greeting and introducing yourself. If you have time, learn how to read signs. 

3. Travel with family 

One major mistake first time travelers make is thinking they will have more fun without family. No, you will enjoy the trip more with the whole squad. 

4. Learn basic local traditions 

People have their respective culture and traditions. As a traveler, learn some of these cultures to avoid offending them by mistake. 

5. Let people know about your trip

Traveling to another country is generally risky, no matter how safe the country is. So, it’s in your best interest to tell your family and friends about your planned travel. 

6. Don’t borrow to travel 

Plan your travel with your own money unless your employer is sponsoring the trip.

7. Get vaccination 

Many countries still have rules mandating every visitor to show proof of their vaccination. This idea will help the spread of the virus. 

8. Get present to those you will be visiting 

Are you planning to visit a family member or friend? Make sure to buy them a gift. This is a good gesture, especially when you will be staying with them. 

9. Make proper research about destination 

Don’t just depart from your Country home without doing some research to understand your destination better. Some places may have rules you won’t like, so this research will help you prepare very well. 

10. Be flexible with your plans 

Traveling for fun or business mostly doesn’t work as planned, but with flexible schedules, you won’t face challenges. Don’t hesitate to enjoy free side attractions that are not part of your plan. 

11. Book flights early 

This will help you save money. Also, the right time to book flights is 6 months before your departure date if you will be traveling to another country. However, you can book 6 weeks before departure if you are traveling locally. 

12. Try using a VPN when booking flight 

Flight booking websites show prices of tickets based on your IP location. however, you can make use of a VPN to search for a better deal. 

13. Don’t choose expensive accommodation 

Save money by choosing less expensive hotels and accommodation. Research very well and you will find hotels that are very cheap with standard services. 

14. Have extra cash with you 

When traveling to another country, don’t change all your money to the local currency. Have some dollars or your country’s currency with you. 

15. Get ATM card that will work in your destination 

This is very important because your local bank ATM may not work, so your bank has to provide an alternative. 

16. Have extra underwear 

Though you already packed the number enough for your planned stay, what if you decide to extend? So, pack extra underwear to avoid being stranded. 

17. Pack a first aid kit 

This is a very important part of your luggage if you plan on hiking. Although it’s just the basic things and not a heavy box. 

18. But new clothes 

What type of clothes do people wear in your destination? If you find out, also buy the same clothes to blend in. 

19. Pack your own clothes 

Definitely, you will feel comfortable wearing your usual attire when you travel, so do well to pack some of your normal clothes. 

20. Wear your normal shoes 

Shoes are mostly uncomfortable when you wear them for the first time but will become comfortable later. So, wear already comfortable shoes. 

21. Avoid clothes that need too much attention 

So, you don’t even know if there will be laundry available in destinations to care for your special clothes. 

22. Scarf and hat are important 

If you are traveling to a country that requires people to cover their head then you need a scarf and hat when there’s excess sun. 

23. Mark your luggage with your contact information 

Maybe you haven’t heard about this tip before but I assure you it’s very important. 

24. Have picture of your luggage and some important stuff inside 

Doing this will help you locate them easily when they get missing. 

25. Take a photo of your important documents 

Having a copy of your passport and other important documents is a very helpful way of being ready for any circumstances. 

~Gadget Travel tips~ 

26. Have an unlocked phone 

Don’t travel with a phone that is not eligible to make calls when you are in another country. Make sure your phone is in proper working condition to use international networks. 

27. Buy a camera 

How do you even keep track of your movements when you don’t have a camera? This is an important gadget you dearly need. 

28. Pack camera batteries 

Don’t just rely on one battery when you are not sure about the electricity condition of your destination. Have many other batteries to power your camera. 

29. Pack power banks 

This should not be any power bank but a very good one that can power your gadgets for a long time. 

30. Pack your medications 

Very essential even if you are in good health. Strange weather conditions may affect your health. Even if you won’t follow other travel tips, remember to follow this important one. 

31. Be early to the airport 

Another important travel tip you should not play with is going to the airport very early. 

32. Use the restroom before boarding on an airplane 

33. Get a window seat

There are many benefits of getting a window seat. You have the space to feel comfortable. 

34. Seat very close t the plane door 

35. Stay hydrated 

Water should be what you take frequently, even more than food on the airplane and before boarding. 

36. Have a water filter bottle 

It Is essential to keep yourself hydrated along the way and depend less on food if you are going to a far location. 

~Travel tips when you reach your destination~ 

37. Track your expenses 

Don’t just throw money out without keeping a proper record of how you are spending. Apart from this approach helping you spend only on important things, you become a very prudent spender. 

38. Avoid changing currency at the airport 

Many will think this is not a good idea but airport currency rates are not favorable at all. You stand to get better rates when you change other places. 

39. Wake up early 

On your first day in a hotel or any accommodation you are using for your trip, wake up early to verify your luggage. Also, to look around the place and find how things are going. Waking up early and being conscious are very important travel tips you must follow 

40. Exercise 

To keep up with your plan, try to exercise every morning to strengthen yourself for the plan of the day. 

41. Try local food 

Though they may look strange, you should try them out on different occasions. 

42. Visit unpopular places 

Popular Tourist destinations in many countries are overhyped, so try and visit places that no one has heard about. 

43. Interact with the people 

Have time to talk with the locals about their culture and traditions. Ask about the popular destinations in their neighborhood and visit those places with them. 

44. Learn local slogan 

Apart from just learning languages, learn popular slogans that people use in communications. This is not just one of the ordinary Travel tips as it will save your life one day. They will help you understand the people more. 

45. Visit local markets 

Don’t be afraid to visit local markets and shop for whatever you like. Some places have both day and night markets so visit them when you have the time. 

46. Tour the neighborhood 

When you visit a very safe place, don’t hesitate to walk around the neighborhood without a tour guide. You stand to see many things and understand the places better. 

47. Make a new friend 

Thi is a very good move to create a lasting memory about that destination. Try and make a friend whom you can call in times of distress. 

48. Go hiking 

Another important Travel tips for you is to look for locals who know the terrain very well to hike together. It’s a very lovely experience if the place is safe for that. 

49. Travel to a new place 

Don’t just accustom yourself to one particular destination when there are many other places you can visit. 

50. Take photos with the locals 

Very effective way to remember your travels is with the help of a clear photo. So, try and snap plenty of pictures with the locals and your travel partners. 


These Travel tips will help you have a great travel experience on your next vacation. The most important and final tip is to make sure the location is very secured and safe from crimes. However, if you plan to travel to an unsafe location, have someone with you and pack all important gadgets that will help you stay safe. 


What do background checks show: what are the things that shows up on background checks

Do you want to know What a background check can show? Or, are you about to undergo a background check and you want to understand what they may find out about you? Don’t be worried if you are about to undergo a background check. The process is not going to outrightly deny you your dream job. 

Background check does not manufacture information about job seekers just to tarnish their image. Employers use this process to ensure they are hiring the right person for the position. 

Government agencies and contractors use this process to avoid hiring someone that may lead to unwarranted lawsuits. Ride-hailing Companies use this process to avoid hiring a driver that has ugly records of breaking traffic rules. 

Many people who recommend this exercise have their reasons. 

What is involved in background checks

For employers, performing these checks on employees and job seekers will inform the company regarding that person’s past. 

Employees can submit false documents just to secure a job, but if the Company can run a proper background check, it would reveal every truth. 

The employee who the company needs to run background checks on must consent to this move. Companies cannot run ‘real’ background checks when the person is not aware. 

Some information is not allowed to be viewed by employers during background checks; Maybe, unless they are essentially to perform the job in question. 

Do you know that many employees hide their information when applying for certain positions? Yes. They do that to deceive the recruiter into thinking that they are clean. However, with instruments like background checks, hidden information will be exposed easily. 

What do background checks show 

Are you among those thinking that background checks are not powerful? Read on as I reveal to you the potency of background checks that will surprise you. 

Below is a list of some of the things that will show up on background checks:

Social Security Number 

Most recruiters demand for a social security number of intending workers to confirm their eligibility to work in the U.S. However, some clever employees may try to provide  fake numbers just to secure that job. During background checks, this number will be made open, and in a situation it is a fake number, the employee will be in trouble. However, the employer may discuss with the employee on how to sort it out. 

Identity information 

One of the easiest things to discover during a background check is the identity of the employee.

This process helps recruiters avoid employing someone with fake or even stolen identity.

Criminal records 

I can say that the most important part of background checks is to discover past criminal records. 

This finding consist of wrong acts like Sexual Assault, theft, terrorism, murder and other serious crimes. 

If there has been conviction for any of these crimes in the past, it will show up during the background check. 

Knowledge of criminal records of an employee is very important. Serious employers will plan on what steps to take when lawsuits come up because of the employee’s history. 


This result will show current, but mostly past addresses of the person.

Running this check is very important, you will learn about your employee’s address during school time, during tender age and personal residence. 

If you want to depend on the address information on their identity cards, you are not serious then. Some people who know what they are doing are not ready to open up on places they have lived in the past to avoid unnecessary questions. 

Credit reports 

People who wish to work in stocks firms, investing companies or banks may need to run these background checks. 

This is to provide evidence on how they can manage funds. 

Many times, a credit report is not always part of a background check. 

Driving history 

Do you plan to seek employment in any company that requires you to drive people around? Then, they may run background checks on your driving history. This check is targeted to find out how you have been breaking traffic laws, number of tickets you have been issued, how often you pay fines. 

You just can’t get a job driving school children or a company’s heavy truck without this test.

Employment records 

This background check is not very popular but recruiters are now running this test. It involves reviewing where you have worked in the past and the remarks you got. Though, many employers will not use this as an essential metric to deny you the position but adding it with other information about you may make lots of sense. 

Arrest History 

It could be part of criminal record checks but it can also be done when there are concerns. Your employer may want to know the number of times you have been arrested and what is always the reason for this arrest. 

Things that may not show up on background checks 

There’s a law guiding the level of information a company can dig up during a background check. 

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has made some clear guidelines to help companies who want to run background checks. 

  • Medical records: employers are not to run background checks on an employee’s medical history. In addition, medical records of someone should not lead the company to reject the job seeker, unless he/she cannot perform such duty. 
  • Family genetics: companies or contractors don’t have the right to dig out an employee’s family history. They also should not make any decisions based on the job seeker’s family genetics. 

Frequently asked questions 

What shows up on background checks

Personal information, employment information, residency information, driving history, criminal records, identity information and many others. 

How long does a background check take

It can take from 1 day to 7 days if the Company decides to review the information. 

How far does a background check go? 

It can go very deep depending on what’s at stake. Job types may also require deeper background checks to avoid later regrets. 

Can I do free Background checks? 

Some checks are free, especially if it’s done with a website


Background checks can show many things concerning you but the main purpose is for employers to understand the history of their employees. 

Your job type can also influence what will come out from the background check. 

If you are Applying to work as a military intelligence agent, there will definitely be more serious checks that you will go through. 

Job seekers in an apple farm may not go through any form of background checks. 


Employment background check: What every employee needs to know about background check

Employment background check is now becoming interesting as every employer now suggests background checks on new employees. 

As an employee who works in a company or institution that makes background checks a compulsory part of keeping your job, then you need to know about the process. 

Many Job seekers now see background checks as a way recruiters now play games on intending workers, but it’s that true? Can employers actually manipulate background checks? That’s part of the question I will answer in this article as we go on. 

What is an employment background check

Employment or employee background check is a process that employers use to verify the financial, criminal, commercial and employment history of a person they intend to hire. 

Organizations that carry out this check do it to ensure the right person is what they are hiring for a particular job. 

Banks or other financial institutions when they want to hire an accountant, they must subject the prospect to background checks. 

No institution will love to hire someone that was involved in any type of action that is seen as criminal. 

The focus of this particular check is on the financial and overall truthfulness of the person they want to hire. Though background checks can stretch to many other areas depending on the organization. 

Firearms industry will focus their Radar on how the person they want to hire has been handling firearms in the past. 

Some other organizations may focus on how the employee has been doing in terms of breaking laws and regulations. 

The main aim of Employment background check

Organizations see many reasons to carry out these checks. If you are already working and the organization suddenly mandates every worker to go for a background check, or you are looking for work but the institution is asking for it. You must be wondering the reason for such a move, don’t worry again as I’m about to reveal to you the possible purpose of employment background check. 

Understand employee’s past employment history 

The truth is that no entity would agree to hire someone that has bad records in their previous positions. 

Employers can carry out background checks to understand why the job seeker left their previous position. 

They also look out for how the intended employee handles past job’s financial needs. 

International terror watch list 

Another purpose for background check that every employee must know is on terror watch list. 

Some people have been designated as potential terrorists. So, organizations don’t want to face law suits for hiring a person already on the government radar as a criminal or terrorist. 

To Shield organizations from liability

Do you know that employers can be seen as terror sponsors if they mistakenly get caught for hiring a terrorist? That’s one reason background checks are now more important. 

People with unclear background can get their way through a company to terrorise the state. 

To select the perfect prospect 

Employers who see background checks as a serious part of their selection process don’t want to miss the perfect candidate. 

Some job applicants like mentioning things that are not true. So, recruiters make use of their background history to verify those claims. 

What every employee needs to know about background check 

The background check has no boundaries as it can involve many parts of your information. 

The employer has the right to verify your social security number plus many other information about the employee. 

In case you have a bad driving history, you must be careful applying for jobs that require driving with caution since they can find out your history. If you have a medical condition that may affect your performance on certain works, then you should not apply for such jobs. The background check will reveal anything you try to hide from your employer. 

Employee information they might check 

What can my employer verify during a background check? It is necessary to present yourself openly because the check will involve the most important data of employees. 

School records 

Your employer may check your records in the school you claim to have attended. Even though some of your school records may not be revealed for confidential reasons, your employer will ask for your consent in this case. 

This check will show your name, academic remarks and grades. 


Employers can seek to check how many times you have filed for bankruptcy in the past. Though it may not affect you in a real sense, some recruiters use this as a tool to discriminate among job prospects. 

Criminal records 

Criminal records are also part of what your employer may check. However, some of the records can not be made available to your recruiter if they are not important in the condition. 

Medical records 

These are very confidential information but when you need to meet a certain health level for work, then your employer may run checks on them. 

There will be no discriminate on your disability but serious consideration on your ability to handle some tasks. 

Credit reports 

Your employer may seek to understand the nature of your credit report when it is essential for the type of you are applying for. 

There is much other information your recruiter may run checks on to determine if you really meet all the requirements for the job. 

The law gives equal playing ground for everyone who applies for a certain job, so no need to be skeptical about background checks if you trust yourself. 

Frequently asked questions 

Who can do a background check

Employers who want to know more about the person they intend to hire have the right to run background checks. 

Does every job require a background check

Not all employers will demand for background checks, especially if you won’t be handling important files and financial services. 

What will employers look for in a background check

This process helps your recruiter to learn more about you. They will verify your criminal records, driving record, bankruptcy, medical records and others. 


Employment background check can determine if you will get a certain Job you applied for. That’s why every job seeker must know what their records look like. 

Employers have the right to check all your information that can help them make wise decisions in the hiring process. This background check can still happen from time to time to learn more about new developments about you. 


A guide on how to apply and get global entry interview faster

The Unavailability Global entry interview is now denying people the opportunity to join this program and enjoy the massive benefits it has to offer. Many enrollment centers don’t have any single spot for interviews at this moment. 

What do you do if you really need to get your Global entry interview done with? Well, the issue can seem a little bit complicated. However, there’s a way to go round it and get your interview faster. 

Most of this delay on interviews are as a result of a backlog of unattended applications. In addition, there are just 100 enrollment centers in the whole United States. Can that be enough for everyone? No. There are many people who love the idea of enrolling for this program but will that be possible if they have to wait for many months before getting an interview? Many will get tired and abandon their application. 

There are many other problems applicants may encounter but not getting a date for interviews is the worst of it all. The process of getting an appointment is now annoyingly getting dragged out for more than 12 months without success. However, I have come up with this guide to help you get an interview faster. Even if your application is over one year, you will surely get interviewed after following my guidelines. 

Global Entry: What is it? 

Global entry is a program to help travelers escape long security checks by using dedicated security lines. This program is not for everyone but only trusted travelers who don’t pose any kind of harm. That’s why there is an interview section before getting enrolled into it. 

The enrollment cost for Global Entry is $100 (may raise to $120 soon) which will be valid for 5 years with option to renew. Since this will help you pass security checks, the enrollment process is tough.

The online application looks doable since it just requires normal personal information. After filling the online application, they will offer you Conditional approval, which means your next step is to go through the interview, pass and begin to enjoy the benefits. Do you know the real truth? It’s more difficult than just looking at it in writing. You will have to wait for this interview for many months without success. 

How to Apply and get your Global Entry interview faster 

Though there’s a bottleneck in getting the interview done after getting Conditional approval, there may be a way out. Maybe there is a way you can go about your application to secure an interview date faster. I will outline them and hope it helps you get your interview appointment date. 

Look for other centers 

It can happen that the center at your location has many applications which will make it unavailable for you. Why not try looking for another center? This is going to be fun as well. If you reside in New York, you can travel to other states like Minnesota or Florida to check for enrollment openings. 

You can also ask friends living in another city to help you with information on how fast they get interviewed. If there is hope of getting an interview appointment faster then try moving there just to get done with this process. 

Try domestic airports 

Do you travel with domestic airlines? If yes, then you have an opportunity to get an interview at the airport. This will not be difficult since you can just book appointments beforehand or ask for any openings when you arrive at the airport. Frequent travelers don’t have to worry a bit since there will surely be an airport where they can luckily get an interview appointment faster. So, why wait when you can do this faster than just waiting for a date in the airport at your location. 

Use Enrolment on arrival option 

Since the backlog continues to pile up, clever applicants can now use Enrolment on arrival anytime they are returning from an international trip.

This program is currently available at some international airports amounting to 70 Airports where you can find this service. This option can be a little tricky because you won’t have access to TSA precheck benefits until you complete all the necessary steps. But looking at the level of unfruitful waiting, this is worth it. 

Keep eye on available schedule 

Maybe you can’t find any openings when you try but trying multiple times will not be a waste of time. 

The truth is that getting this interview for Global Entry applications is the hardest part of it. So, you must be ready to do anything possible to get a date for the interview or you will wait for more than a year. Remember that your application will be canceled after 730 days and you are yet to undergo the interview process. 

Use the interview appointment website to filter out locations that have no open date until you find something. 

Some locations like Minneapolis (MSP) airport won’t have an open day for interviews until around March 2023. Although, you can change your preferred location multiple times to find any opening. Do this always and you may get an appointment. 

Frequently asked questions 

What should I expect at the Global Entry interview

The interview will not take time because they only want to confirm information about you and also understand how well you know Global Entry. 

Why is it hard to get a Global Entry interview

The United States Customs and Border Protection is currently experiencing a backlog on application. There are many others who want interview dates, so the process is delayed. 

Can you do a Global Entry interview virtually

You can only do interviews for Global Entry membership renewal remotely or virtually. First applicants must go through the normal interview process. 

How long does a Global Entry interview take

It can take from 10 minutes to 20 minutes. However, you will spend more time waiting for your turn since there are many other people waiting to be interviewed. 


Global entry interviews can be annoying if you have been waiting for ages to secure a date. This is because of many other applicants who need the same interview as you. U.S. Customs and border and protection have alerted all affected applicants to exercise patients while they fix things. Although, you can still follow my guidelines to secure an interview appointment for yourself faster. 


How to do a Background check: The Effective way to do background check for employment

Do you know that Knowing how to do a background check effectively will reduce arguments that always sprout up after background checks? Even though you want to protect your institution by running checks on all your workers, the process must be inline with the law. 

Some background checks generate information that causes serious disputes between employer and employee. However, when you do the checks properly, everyone involved will be satisfied. 

Using the best metrics to study your result is also as important as the website you use to run the checks. 

Also, if you don’t get to dig out all the ugly information about your staff and they successfully hide it, you will later face a greater danger. So, all recruiters must learn how to do background checks with clearer insight on data recovery management and evaluation. 

Importance of doing effective background check for employment 

Every Company has a goal, how lovely will it be when all the employees know the company goal and are working towards it? It will give massive growth, expansion, recognition to the company right? But, if you employ workers of any kind, they lack a good attitude to work and have a very bad record. They will bring the whole company and its dream down because they should not have been workers in the first place. Therefore, can you see why it is very essential to do an effective background check before you go on to hire workers?

Lawsuits can also affect your company if you refuse to do proper checks on all your workers. 

Some people are already under federal government radar for crimes they committed in the past or linking investigations. Immediately a company hires these suspects, the government may accuse such companies of sponsoring terrorists. Lawsuits will follow and before anything, such careless company is down. 

The Effective way to do background check for employment 

A background check is an important process to verify an employee’s past history, information, criminal records and employment history. 

There is much other information you can dig out through background checks. 

This check ‘if done efficiently’ will make you ‘the recruiter’ hire the best person for any position. 

I will show you the perfect methodology to carry out background checks on employees, even if you are doing it for the first time, this guide will help you. 

Draft a compliant background check policy 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has a lay down rule on how to run a proper background check. 

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) also has guidelines every recruiter must follow while running background checks. 

These laws will be the stepping stone as you go ahead to draft your own rules. 

This rule you are about to draft must not negate the (FCRA) and (EEOC) own laws. This will avoid cases where your employee will sue you for discrimination or illegal possession of personal information. 

Your policy must be standard 

The policy must not change for reasons which the employer didn’t sign up for. 

Always make sure they understand what the check is all about before proceeding to carry it out. Some employers do make sudden changes to background check policy to witch-hunt a certain worker. This is a bad policy standard. 

Make use of the best background check Company 

If you want a background check Company to partner with you and run the checks always, then you must choose the best. 

This company must be registered and recognized by law. Don’t partner with a company that doesn’t adhere to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. 

Choose the best website 

Maybe you lack the funds to partner with a company that will carry out consistent checks on your employees. There are many websites that can offer quality services to recruiters. Some of them offer free service for limited experience. Use the best one depending on your company size and things at stake. 

Prepare for the results 

Do you know that not having a proper way to handle cases of ugly background results may cause issues? Yes. Employees should be made to understand why they won’t be hired because of their past. 

You can even offer them information on other jobs they can do without a background check. 

Open window for amendment 

This is another important phase in handling background check results. 

Employees who are found to have a bad history should be given the opportunity to explain what led to the action. They can also make a case to oppose certain findings with rights to be heard. 

Take proper, informed action 

If you decide to expel a worker after a background check, do it the proper way and make sure they see the results. 

Also, you can use information on background checks to make your next hiring process a better one. 

How to choose a good background check Company 

This process will determine the kind of result you will get after the checks. 

  • Compliance: the company you choose must adhere to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This way, you won’t have to face any type of lawsuit from the company after the background check. 
  • Proper Assessment: Choose a company that does the check with updated information. 
  • Good price: you should also consider the cost, especially when you have a small staff. Go for a company that will do the work without charging an excessive amount. 

Frequently asked questions 

How do I run a background check on someone for free

There are some websites you can use to do this. If you have bigger staff, make use of a background check Company. 

Can I do a background check on a tenant

You can run a basic background check on your intended tenant but the process must follow the Fair Credit Reporting Act to avoid lawsuit. 

How do I expel a worker after background checks 

You must present to them the result of such a background check and allow them to explain or argue some of the findings. 


How to do a Background check in this computer age is above partnering with a background check Company. You now have the option of using a website to verify the authenticity of the information job seekers provide when applying for jobs. However, partnering with a law compliant company can help if you have a large workforce. 

Background check Company that uses modern technology is better. They will have to integrate your staff data with their own to produce up-to-date information. Using integration will help the employer and the background checker Company to share information about new recruits easily. 


No background check jobs: Jobs in Canada, US & UK that requires no background check

Looking for No background check jobs in cities near you may seem exhausting; especially when you are an ex-convict or with just an ugly past. 

Background check is very important to employers as they use it as the perfect metrics to understand the past of their employees. However, it will become a nightmare for job seekers who have been involved with illegal activities in the past. Also, the check always exposes even little mistakes a person may have made in the past. 

Background checks will haunt you even if you are looking for some minor job since recruiters now use this process to discriminate against people. 

If you think your past is not so holy, but you still want to look for jobs that require No background check to fend for yourself, you must be careful with the type of job to apply for. 

These jobs I will reveal to you will pay you very well plus other benefits that will come with it. 

Jobs in Canada, US & UK that requires no background check

Are you still worrying about your past but still need a job? Don’t worry again, I will show you some of the best jobs you can do in the US, UK, and Canada. 


Construction is a very lucrative job that will fetch you enough money whether you are in Canada, US or UK. 

Though you need a level of knowledge about this trade, but the good news is that you can learn on the job. 

Construction work types like carpentry, electrical or plumbing will require you to learn from those who are already masters. 

Before you look for construction jobs, make sure your health is good, ensure you can lift a large weight, and ensure your sight is fine. 

The pay for construction workers is not poor. Below is what you stand to earn as a construction workers per hour in these countries;

  • Canada $32 (CAD) 
  • US $18.2
  • UK £21.6


You can work in a restaurant without the fear of a background check. However, your position may be in the back-room where you wash plates, clean, pack the garbage disposal, cook or maintain some part of the room later. 

If you are lucky, some restaurant recruiter may allow you to serve food and drink. 

Below is salary range for restaurant workers;

  • Canada $17.4 (CAD) 
  • U.S $13.7
  • UK £12

Farm work 

You don’t want to undergo a background check? Then your surest place to work is in the farm. It is easy to secure if you love the work environment. Some farm work can give you a better working environment if you have good skills. 

People see farm work as an outdoor laborious job that will stress the workers. Well, that’s true in most cases since you will be outside during rain and sun. 

As a fruit picker, you won’t even worry about any kind of serious questioning because you will have to have the employer seriously need your services. 

Below is salary range of a farm worker per hour;

  • Canada $15.2 (CAD) 
  • U.S $12.79
  • UK £11.79


Though you must learn how to do this job before looking for employment. However, most employers won’t bother to ask about your background or even go further to run a check on you. 

You will spend most time in this job grooming customers. 

If you love this job, you can start off by becoming an apprentice to someone who is already good. If you become diligent, within a few months, you will learn how to do hairstyling and beard maintenance.

Idea of barber salary in Canada, US and UK per hour. 

  • Canada $17.6 (CAD) 
  • US $14.4
  • UK £13

Pet Caring 

Do you love pets? Do you need a job that requires no background check? Then you can make a living by taking care of pets. 

Grooming pets and dog walking is one of the best pet caring jobs you can look for. The pay is good since people who own pets spend lots of money to take good care of them. 

list of average salaries per hour 

  • Canada $16.2 (CAD) 
  • U.S $12.6
  • UK £15

House Cleaning 

This is another lucrative job that will not require your background check. 

You can work in hotels, homes, industries and parks. There’s no limit to where a cleaner can work. 

If you need a job but you may not have time to learn or become an apprentice, then you should consider cleaning. 

Freelance writing 

Can you deliver good content with good grammar and spelling? Then being a professional writer can earn you a lot of money. 

You will be writing blog contents, emails, adverts, general marketing contents and educational contents. 

One lovely thing about becoming a freelance writer is that you can work from home. Just have basic tools like, phone, computer and desk. You should take this part if you really need a job that requires no background check whatsoever. 


Just like cleaning, you don’t need sophisticated skills to become a gardener. 

You will learn on the job and the skills you will develop from your first experience can help you land many other landscaping jobs. 


Your work here is to look after children. The job is cool and you will not feel lonely since you are in the midst of many cheerful kids. 

Opportunity for this type of job is very high; especially in the residential areas. Even though this job may not require background checks, you must be good in taking care of people’s children and give parents reasons to trust you. 

Frequently asked questions 

Do I need a background check for call center jobs? 

Many call center jobs don’t require you to undergo a background check but some may still insist. 

Can I see jobs that don’t require a criminal background check in the UK

Yes. Caregiver jobs, barber jobs, cleaning jobs, construction jobs and some others don’t require background checks. 

Do I need background checks for remote jobs

No. Many remote freelancing jobs do not require background checks. 


No background check jobs are those positions you can apply without worry of background check procedures. 

Though background checks are a relevant move by employers to hire the right person, they now use the process to discriminate against job seekers.

Check out hupsee for more employment tips.


Can you bring food into Disneyland: What is the rule about food?

Can you bring food into Disneyland? Well, this is a popular question I get from anxious travelers who want to know the rules regarding this plan. Apart from the usual exploration, having fun, enjoying rides and taking photos, you will need something to refresh yourself, but should you rely on what Disneyland has to offer? That’s people’s main concern most of the time that I need to address. 

Furthermore, prices of food, meals, snacks and drinks are very expensive in Disneyland. So, you will be wondering after buying tickets to gain access, I need to spend a huge amount again for food. Is that going to also be fun? Well, That’s up to the way you see it after reading this article. Yes, Disneyland has lots of attractive features and destinations with memorable experiences but there won’t be any fun if you experience them with an empty stomach. 

Can you bring food into Disneyland

Do you worry that Disneyland won’t have food that will give you proper satisfaction, or they might not have vegan food? Read on as I address this concern right away. As a ticket holder, you have the right to bring food to Disneyland. Why this is great news, be aware that there are some rules concerning what is allowed and what is not. When it comes to alcoholic beverages, there is a restriction to this because there are bars for adults who are eligible to consume alcohol. Then, other drinks like nonalcoholic or fruit wine enter into the park without problems. Before you rejoice, note that Disneyland under their rules deserves the right to refuse guests from taking certain things inside the park. 

Bringing cooler of food 

There’s clear freedom for this but it’s now left for you to decide what to carry with you under the scorching California sun. Also, Disneyland is a very big place and you won’t just come with a big cooler of food and be carrying it around instead of having fun. Although you can rent a locker for $10 and stock your food in it. 

Caring for your food

Have you decided to carry food to Disneyland? Then you must also think about keeping them fresh and good. Maybe you packed a quantity that will last for days, you still need to take care of it. You also need to know that there’s no refrigerator to keep your food fresh. So, what are you going to do? In this case, kindly prepare food that won’t need cooling or heating. Nevertheless, a hotel might be of help if you urgently need to cool your food or heat it up. The best plan will be to know the quantity you need and prepare just that, and it should not need cooling. 

Frequently asked questions 

Can I take water bottles to Disneyland

Yes. You have the freedom to enter with your water bottle, and there’s water fountains available to refill them for you, anytime. 

Does Disneyland check your bags? 

There are security checks that will examine all your bags before entry. So, yes, security will check your bags. 

What type of food can I bring to Disneyland? 

The rule allows you to come in with any type of fool you can carry. Don’t bring in foods that may need cooling since the park does not provide appliances for that. 


You Can bring food into Disneyland but for your own good, don’t pack foods that don’t stay for long before getting spoiled. There are meals available in the park restaurants for guests. Also, vegans have access to foods they love, as well as children. 


Things to do in Maui: Amazing and fun things to do in Maui

There are many Things to do in Maui if this beautiful place is on your list of destinations to vacation. Inside this island, you will have the option to engage in either forest exploration, having fun on the beach, enjoying fresh cuisine or sightseeing. 

Of all the islands in Hawaii, Maui is the second largest and still maintains its position as the best place for vacation. But as you will be traveling to Maui, do you know places to visit and things to do? If No, then keep reading this article as I show you some of the best things to do in Maui and amazing places to explore. 

20 Amazing and fun things to do in Maui 

1. Watch Whale even in the winter 

Don’t even think about not going to watch whales when you visit Maui in the winter season. It’s amazing to see those beautiful creatures move around the water. 

2. Visit the black sand beach 

Nothing is more amazing than walking barefoot on the black sand beach at the Wai’anapanapa Black Sand Beach.

3. Visit the 7 Sacred Pools of Ohe’o Gulch 

It will cost you only $15 to have access to the destination but trust me, you will love it. There are many other tourists who visit here daily also. 

4. Swim with huge sea turtles 

Sea turtles are a popular animal you will find in most of the beaches in this island. If you can swim then you will enjoy seeing them underwater. 

5. Attend the Lau feast 

A very lively feast that welcomes tourists to join them and have fun. If you traveled to Maui with family members then this is a very worthy place to visit. 

6. Scuba dive at Molokini Crater 

This place has a very fascinating story as a nice location for people who wish to try scuba diving or snorkeling. 

7. Sleep in a yurt at At Luana Resort Spa 

Feels like camping when you see this shelter for the first time. However, you have the option to enjoy all the services you wish to have. 

8. Enjoy helicopter tour 

See above the waters and the forest of Maui using a helicopter. Even though it can be expensive, you will definitely enjoy the experience. 

9. Visit local goat farm

If you are a person that loves doing something outside the book then you will love milking goats at lower kula. Also, you will get cheese after the process. 

10. Try ziplining 

If you love heights then you will enjoy ziplining. 

11. Watch waterfall rappel 

It is exhaling to join other tourists to rappel down a waterfall in Maui. It is both exciting and thrilling to participate in this amazing experience. 

12. Try to ride bicycle down a volcano 

Not available every time but this is an experience you will love. Though it’s not for children. 

13. Surf with expert 

It should not be a news that Maui provides tourists with excellent water waves to surf. There are experts around always to teach you the process of surfing if you haven’t done it before. 

14. Try balancing on a stand up paddle board 

It’s fun if you will be doing this with the whole family. 

15. Learn how to play ukulele 

Hawaii music instruments are not complete without this particular one. It’s also not difficult to learn. If you enjoy playing it you can buy one while returning home. 

16. Explore the bamboo forest 

The pipiwai hiking trail has this massive bamboo you can take pictures with to document your visit to maui. 

17. Taste Maui shave ice

I recommend this for families who need something new to taste. Also, it’s not strange if you have not tasted it before. 

18. Try seafood 

I believe you will not just taste it but will enjoy it. There are top restaurants in this island known for quality seafood that will satisfy everyone. 

19. Taste the local beer 

There are many local beers available to tourists who wish to try out their locally made beer. You can even go wine tasting if you love the way they brew their alcohol. 

20. Hike the sliding sand trail 

Even if you don’t love hiking, you will change your mind after trying it here. The sliding sand is a favorite to many tourists who visit Maui. 

Frequently asked questions 

What is Maui known for? 

Different travelers love this island for different reasons. Some love the food while others love the chance to watch whales. 

How many days is enough in Maui? 

Spending 10 days is enough to visit the most popular places and try different things. 


Maui is a big island, so you have many things to do here as a tourist. Are you planning to visit with your family? Then you are not mistaken. There are special children’s fun things on this island. 


Global Entry: What exactly is Global entry

Global entry is an initiative from the Department of homeland security (DHS) to expedite the security check at arrival into the United States. The fast security check will only apply to members of the global Entry program. 

This service will give its members an opportunity to get dedicated security lines on the TSA precheck of some airlines. 

One important part of Global entry is that you won’t have to be in queue with others waiting for security checks. 

This has made members of Global Entry look like VIPs once they arrive at participating airports. 

You will also get fast entry into United States customs locations, including the TSA precheck – making it more valuable than ordinary TSA precheck membership. 

What is Global Entry 

The United States Customs and border protection services launched Global entry to allow members get expedited clearance. 

There’s a kiosk at some airports through which these pre-approved and low-risk members can use the NEXUS lane. 

Many jet owners now use faster entry since they will not wait for long before clearance. 

Others who don’t own private jets can also use this program to fasten the speed of the airline clearance they face. Even though it’s not all airlines that are offering this service, you will still enjoy being a member. 

There are over 100 centers if you desire to enroll for this program and the cost is just $100 for five years. That’s around $1.6 per month for You to have a better travel experience; anytime you board flights into the United States. 

There may be a serious change to this price since they are nursing to take it up to $120. However the membership cost remains $100 until the increments take effect. 

What does it take to join Global entry 

The process will involve going through a background check which will be a determinant on whether you can join the program. This program is for low-risk travelers. So, if after the background check and you don’t fall under the low-risk category, you won’t get approval. 

Other things that can either help you with membership:

  1. You must be a US citizen 
  2. You must be a Foreigner with permanent residence (green card) 
  3. Canadian citizens that are members of NEXUS can enjoy the full benefit of Global Entry. 
  4. Citizen of these countries can apply for Global entry:
    • Germany 
    • Mexico 
    • India 
    • Switzerland 
    • Taiwan 
    • United Kingdom 
    • Singapore 
    • South Korea 
    • Argentina 
    • Columbia 
    • Panama. (other countries may join the program later) 
  5. Individuals from the country above who want to take part in this program should have zero criminal records. Must not be on terrorism watch list or have any form of involvement in crimes. 

Is Global entry the same as TSA precheck? 

There are clear differences between the two but they offer relatively close benefits. Membership on global Entry gives automatic capability to benefit from TSA precheck programs. 

  • Global entry is a program for international flights and local flights but TSA precheck only works in local airlines. 
  • Low-risk travelers from other countries can join Global Entry but the TSA precheck program accepts only U.S. Citizens. 
  • The price for global Entry membership is $100 but TSA precheck is just $78 
  • Children under the age of 12 can enjoy the same benefits from their TSA precheck member parents. The Global program demands that everyone traveling with children must enroll them. 

The bottom line is that TSA is made to serve local travelers and global Entry to serve international travelers. 

How to Apply for Global Entry 

The process will take some time to complete but the wait is worth it. The application will involve a physical interview and you will also undergo a background check. 

  1. The first step is to create an account on the trusted traveler program website. 
  2. After your account is set. Use your login details to login and go through the online application. Fill in all the required information. 
  3. Proceed to make payment for the membership fee. (only $100)
  4. If you are approved for this stage, move ahead to schedule an interview appointment at any enrollment center nearest to you. 
  5. Go ahead for the interview! You should take your identity card with you plus another mode of identification, which can be your driver’s license or passport. There’s a message on your trusted traveler account with your conditional approval letter. 

How to activate your Global Entry card 

When the interview is done, you will receive your membership card within two weeks. You then go on to activate your card using the online trusted traveler website. 

Your known Traveler Number should also arrive immediately if you are approved for Global Entry. 

Go on to use your known traveler number by adding them to flight reservations on “TSA precheck” Column. You are free to use all the global benefits after activating your card. 

Should I join Global Entry

If you think you need dedicated security lines at the TSA for faster security checks then it’s worth it. 

Remember that you can also get faster US custom clearance if you are a member of Global program. 

Do you know that the time you waste on the unending queue because of security checks is worth more than $100? Definitely. What if you miss an important business appointment because of ordinary security lines? You see, there are more benefits to this program than just being stingy with $100.

Frequently asked questions 

Is Global entry and TSA precheck the same? 

No, however, you can’t literally separate them since they both function to make your travel experience awesome. 

TSA precheck gives children under the age of 12 free passes if they are with an adult that is a precheck holder. Global Entry requires everyone, whether baby or grown-ups, to register for the program before they can become eligible to enjoy the benefits. 

Is Global entry worth the price

Yes. The price cannot equate to the massive benefits you will receive from this program. 

How long does it take to process program

The process does not take more than 90 days but you still have up to 2 years to complete the registration after conditional approval. 


Global Entry is a program that will give members an opportunity to receive a dedicated security line at the airport. The members will also enjoy faster custom clearance at all the recognized airports. 

The membership process may involve background checks since only trusted travelers have the qualifications to apply. 


Uber background check: Here is everything you need to know

Uber background check is like every other check companies perform to understand the record of job seekers before hiring them. Uber background check however, looks to verify information about intending drivers who wish to drive for them. 

You must pass this test before you can finally call yourself an Uber rider. Though the process is simple, making any single mistake may disqualify you from your dream of becoming an Uber driver. 

You should also know that Uber runs these background checks at least once a year. Do you want to know the time of the years they carry out the checks? Well, there’s no fixed period of the year. They can run the checks anytime to ensure drivers don’t have any form of criminal records. 

What is Uber Background check

This is a check that must be carried out on everyone who wishes to become an Uber driver in any capacity. 

The target of this check is on criminal record, arrest history, Education, and other essential information of the driver. 

Part of this check states that every driver below the age of 23 must have 3 years driving experience in the U.S. to drive for Uber. Drivers above 23 need to have 1 years driving experience in the U.S.

Motor vehicle Reports (MVR) is another test you must pass to qualify for this job. 

The check on your criminal record does not mean you will be disqualified for any criminal record. The most serious one is actually what will deny you the position. Sometimes, murder records, sexual offenses, Kidnapping, human Trafficking, and general violence are only the type of record that may disqualify you from being an Uber driver. 

Uber background check: What they look for 

Uber background check exercise is not to just disqualify you for the job. There are certain things they look for. 

You will be helping yourself if you read on to learn what you should expect them to check during this important exercise. 

Driving history 

This is a driving job you are applying for, so driving history is one of the most important parts of Uber background checks. 

The company performing this check will focus more on the number of traffic laws you have broken. 

Don’t panic because Uber themselve don’t want to work with drivers with a very negative driving history. 

This check may include;

  • Verification of your driver’s license 
  • Accident history 
  • Violation of traffic laws 
  • Verification of driving experience. 

Criminal records 

Another important part of this check is your criminal records. Uber would want to hire drivers who wouldn’t steal company property or get caught stealing. 

Criminal history is what may disqualify you if there’s any ugly past on your record, which includes and not limited to;

  • Sexual Assault: have been convicted of sexual Assault related crimes? Then your chance of having a successful background check is very little. 
  • Murder: have been convicted of any murder crime or you have a murder case pending? It will affect your chances, especially if you are a convict. 
  • Criminal charge: this cannot disqualify candidates in many cases since there are levels of criminality. Heavy ones will deny you the opportunity but less crimes may not be a problem. You must also understand that crime definitions are dependent on country and judicial proclamation. 

Employment records 

This report may not affect in some cases unless there is a remark of you not performing your work. Employment background checks will also show former places you may have worked as a driver, which Uber will capitalize to understand everything about your performance. 

How to prepare for Uber background checks 

The check doesn’t need much preparation but it will benefit you to know some things to work on before the check takes place. 

  1. Prepare your documents: you need to provide all of these documents before you can drive for Uber. 
    • Social Security Number 
    • Driver’s license 
    • Permanent residence card (for migrants only) 
    • Vehicle registration documents 
    • Inspection form 
  2. Run the background check before Uber: Understand your past clearly by checking yourself first before Uber to avoid mix-up. This will help you respond to ugly findings. 
  3. Read Uber policy: study and understand Uber background check policy to know your ground, and learn more about the aspects of your life they will check. 
  4. Prepare for the outcome: the result of a background check can mean different things but you have the right to work on some of them. 

How long will Uber background check take? 

Maybe the background check is processing and you are anxious to know how many days you must wait before seeing the results. Note that the check – even when it comes, you will wait a longer time for review. 

The background check may come out immediately but the review process may take from 1 day to 7 days. 

They can ask you for more information about certain things. Maybe when your name or address is not matching up. 

One thing about Uber background check is that you can appeal for any decision they make which is not favorable to you. However, make sure you have important errors to point out or correction to make before appealing—when your background check is rejected. 

Frequently asked questions 

What is background check used for in Uber? 

Uber uses the check to verify your information, criminal records, driving record, employment history, and make decisions if you are eligible to be a driver. 

How strict is Uber background check

You must pass a background check before you can be seen as an Uber driver, that’s how strict it is. 

Can I reapply after rejection 

If you think there was an error with their decision or an important information you wish to correct, then you may appeal the rejection. 

How do I pass my Uber background checks

You must have a clear criminal and driving history. Also research about Uber background check policy to learn something about this important process. 


Uber background checks seem like the most difficult background checks in the history of employment but that’s not true. People are mostly afraid of the check unnecessarily. If you get all the files to support your claims then they will approve you. Remember that you can also appeal to their decision if they reject you.


Where is disneyland in California

Do you wish to know where Disneyland is in California? Disneyland which was opened on 7th July 1955 is located in Sunny Anaheim, California. This is the first theme park opened by the Walt Disney company to entertain their fans.

Important tip: Travelers who wish to visit this park by plane should use John Wayne Airport. One of the main benefits of using this airport when visiting Disneyland is that there are few planes that land there, and it’s very close to Disneyland. Are you coming to Disneyland from another country? Then your best bet is to land at Los Angeles international Airport. It is very close to the park but using this airport during popular event periods Will be very stressful since many travelers also make use of it. 

How big is Disneyland in California

In 1953, Walt Disney only bought 160 acres of land for this park. However, the park has grown over the years to 500 acres. Disneyland has been massively renovated since the first opening and that has also contributed to the increase in land size. 

Even though this theme park is not as big as Disney world in Orlando, people prefer Disneyland because of the deep history and attractions. 

When can I visit Disneyland? 

Do you wish to visit the Happiest place on earth, and you don’t know the best time? Then read on as I show you the perfect time to visit for maximum fun and entertainment. 

The best time depends on what you want. Do you want to visit when there are many other visitors, or do you want to visit when there are less crowds? If you want to visit when there are many crowds then you will have to plan your visit during big event seasons. Even though visiting at this time can be very stressful because of many other people. However, you will get the best entertainment experience with different types of festivities, shows, fireworks, beautiful lights and many more. You will experience this around the end of November and mid January. 

On the other hand, March to September will always have fewer visitors. So, you can enjoy your time without having to queue for everything. However, you may also reconsider your planned visit around February because of the food and wine festival. In addition to that, valentine day also attracts a large number of visitors. 

Frequently asked questions 

What are the best months to go to Disneyland

If you wish to experience the fun and other seasonal activities then you should visit around December and January. 

Which Disneyland is the oldest? 

Disneyland in Anaheim, California is the first and oldest Disney theme park that was opened in 1955.

What is the original cost of building Disneyland? 

The original cost of building this theme park is $17 million as of 1955.


Sunny Anaheim is Where Disneyland in California was first founded by Walt Disney. The opening of this great park also known as the “happiest place on earth” was in 1955 but the construction started in 1953.

Also, you should know that there’s another theme park “Disney world” situated in a very large space of land in Orlando. Traveling to this park is one of the top to-do-lists for every kid and adult who loves fantasy.


How much does Disneyland make a day: daily revenue

How much Disneyland makes a day does depend on factors like season, event and many other factors. 2020 wasn’t a great year for many businesses in the world including Disney. However, I know you all know about the increase in price of tickets. So, does that mean there’s going to be higher revenue for Disneyland? Well, the cost of running an establishment like this will also be on the rise. 

Before I reveal to you how much Disney makes everyday, I will inform you that about 51,000 people visit Disney park everyday on Peak periods. However, does that mean they make huge amounts of money? Well, the number does not lie, so it could translate to higher revenue for the company. 

How much does Disneyland make a day

A trip to Disneyland is an expensive one, regardless of the fun you wish to have there, it will milk your pocket.

Disneyland makes $11,963,470.31 a day. However, Disney does not just end with the revenue from their parks. They make about $35 million from all their products. These are other business they control aside from the Disney park. things Disney make money from are online and other products including;

  1. Disney cruise line 
  2. Licensing other business 
  3. Disney shops around the world 
  4. ShopDisney online store 
  5. About 6 resorts in Europe, Asia and America. 
  6. Disney vacation programs. 

Looking at Disneyland revenue per day

Though the Pandemic was able to bring down the revenue as the park had to shut its doors. Although, the genie+ which came to live recently gave the company more revenue beginning from 2022. Another part that helped improve the revenue was the radiator spring lane that costs about $7 to $20. When you add this to $25 from the genie+, you will see that Disneyland revenue is now improving. 

We all know that this is a number game, so the revenue will always grow when they have many visitors. 51,000 on peaks and 6,000 on low performance days. 

What Disneyland cost to maintain 

The amount Disney earns is also a reflection of how much they spend in upgrading the park and maintenance. 

Generally, Salary of workers is the Top expenditure for Disney. Some of the starter workers earn $24,000 to $44,000 while some earn higher than this. 

The second thing they spend money on is on fireworks which makes the scene very lively at night. Although the use of fireworks costs more in festive seasons and special occasions. 

Frequently asked questions 

How much does Disneyland make a day in 2023? 

Disney makes around $11,963,470.31 daily but the amount can go down sometimes as it is not stable. 

How much do Disneyland employees make

There are categories of employees working with Disneyland. However, starters make around $24,000 to $44,000 each year. Managers, executives and other higher positions pay more. 

Is Disney profitable

Yes. The business has been making profits yearly from different products they have and parks. 


I will be clearing your mind on the question “How much does Disneyland make a day” in this article as many people wish to know what they earn. Furthermore, you should know that as a business, Disney has many other things they spend money on. So, in essence, most of their revenue is spent on running the business. 


Things to do in Los Angeles: The 40 Best things to do in Los Angeles

The truth is that you don’t have to ask about things to do in Los Angeles because this west coast city has it all. Do you wish to see Nollywood stars? Then this is the right place to be. 

However, one important thing is that you can’t just classify Los Angeles with a simple word because there’s too much diversity in Place. 

Amazing things start from The silver screen superstars show, taking a tour of the rich art gallery to having a good time at the beach. In fact, there’s no single time in LA that you won’t see a fascinating thing to do. Vacationing here is a good idea whether you wish to do it alone or with your family. 

40 best things to do in Los Angeles 

#1. Universal Studios Hollywood 

This is not just an ordinary park, it will offer plenty of fun to families who want to get entertained in a nice park. Consisting of some film studio themes and many other nice places to visit here. 

2. Visit Getty center 

Just another point to view one of the many spectacular structures in Los Angeles. 

3. Visit Santa Monica Beach 

Santa Monica is not only a beach for adults. Most of the facilities here are suitable for children. 

4. Nollywood walk of fame 

This is one of the popular places in LA that you will definitely enjoy when you visit. 

5. The escape game 

Do you care about movie inspired fun in Florida? Then the escape has offers ranging from the movie prison break to the heist and plenty of other movie fun.

6. Venice Beach boardwalk 

The real fun for you and your family is here. Tourists can also take a canal walk in the destination as it offers lots of Things to do with family. 

7. Enjoy cruise at marina Del Rey 

8. LA. Live

Another fun thing to do in Los Angeles that will entertain tourists that love sport or other activities. 

9. Explore Topanga Canyon 

Not an adventurous place per say but the sights of the landscape here are lovely to watch. 

10. The Griffith observatory 

There’s art deco which is an awesome sight to behold for travelers. 

11. Visit hermosa Beach 

Hermosa is a wonderful spot to be in the evening and watch the sunset or get engaged in watersports. 

12. Manhattan Beach 

This is one of the best beaches in LA that has real wildlife you will love to see. You can also join fishers to try fishing. 

13. Enjoy evening at Malibu Beach 

Definitely, This is a place to meditate and watch nature in the evening. Less crowded and beautiful views. 

14. Explore Zuma Beach 

Very bright white sandy Beach 

15. Visit LA museums of art 

With just $24 you can see beautiful arts and learn history. 

16. California science museum 

Some call it the California science center but it’s the same thing. Tourists get to see aircrafts from many years ago. 

17. Visit Walt Disney concert hall 

A big structure that entertains lovers of music. 

18. Broad museum 

Another place to see lovely arts that will take your breath away. 

19. Visit Los Angeles zoo 

Walk through the zoo and watch wildlife 

20. Enjoy vibrant street arts 

LA is well known as a place to see many beautiful works of art in the streets. 

21. Ride angels flight 

This 118 year old runway now provides fun rides to tourists who wish to be thrilled by the fast ride. 

22. Tour Grammy museum 

This Museum has an interactive tour to make sure you learn as they marvel you with great arts. 

23. Visit natural history museum LA county 

See real natural art in a very beautiful place and learn. 

24. Tour the Getty villa 

This place helps you to learn about the old Pompeii villa. Natural and elegant beauty. 

25. Tour Greystone mansion 

A magnificent building that was built in 1927 and is one of the most beautiful houses in LA. 

26. Museum of contemporary art (Moca) 

Also a nice place to watch the work of art in LA with free entry. 

27. Japanese American national museum 

Consists of images from history and designs dating many years ago. 

28. Tour Huntington Garden 

A very diverse art and plants which made this place a perfect location for art lovers. 

29. Runyon canyon park 

Not the biggest park in Los Angeles but definitely one of the natural parks you will love to visit. 

30. Hike to fryman canyon 

Lovely place for lovers of adventure. 

31. Hike Malibu creek state park 

The hiking trail is very long and leads to many historic locations. 

32. Explore Los Angeles National forest 

This is another good place to hike and explore forest forest till you are tired. 

33. Point mugu state park 

There are areas in this park that will be very lovely for hikers. The beach is also a nice place to swim. 

34. Griffith park 

Griffith park is an interesting place to visit with your family for vacation or just aftoon trip. Many fun and entertaining activities. 

35. Venice skate park 

Do you wish to engage yourself in skating? Then you will definitely love Venice skate park. Very close to the water so tourists can have maximum fun. 

36. Visit Barnsdall Art Park 

A very peaceful place to watch nature and explore the deep part of LA. 

37. Tour Sony pictures studio 

You may be able to see behind the scenes of a movie in this studio. 

38. Tour Warner bros studio 

This is a very nice place for movie lovers. You get to see the behind the scenes for DC universe movies. 

39. Visit Universal Studios 

Mostly for those who have around $400 to pay and have fun seeing some of the movie scenes and theme parks you will like. 

40. Tour paramount studio 

One of the oldest studios in Hollywood, and have made lots of mark in the movie industry. 


Do you have the plan of touring LA but yet to find Things to do in Los Angeles with your traveling partners? Then I have got you covered with some of the nice things you can have fun doing in LA. This list covers the perfect destination for a family and a couple on their honeymoon. 


Check out all the Disneyland california adventure rides

Disneyland California Adventure rides have been on the increase since its opening in February 2001. There are many other attractions here that you will love to see apart from many rides. The notable one is the Avengers campus, which has everything you can think of about the Avengers show. 

DCA has done well in the way they Frequently improve the rides and other aspects of this park. Though many people think the changes are being too much, I personally love it. Changing and adding other themes, fantasy and fun things to Disneyland California adventure will make it stand more chance of competition in the future. Furthering, I will list some of the best rides in Disney adventure California, which you can choose from as you visit the park.

Disneyland California Adventure rides

These are lists of rides currently present in Disneyland California adventure for quests. Some are for children while others are for adults. 

#1. Radiator spring racer 

This is a fun ride that can go for 40 miles per hour. Viewing the hills surrounding this environment is very beautiful to behold. Also, I found that the fun part of this race is amazing. 

2. Incredicoaster 

I see this as one of the most satisfying roller-coasters in the history of theme parks. Running from one loop to another with the intensive speed of 55 miles per hour is absolutely lovely. 

3. Pixar pal-a-round

Do you love heights? Then you will also love this ferris-wheel. Not that usual swing but more fun wheel to satisfy and thrill you. 

4. Toy story midway mania

Just like the real game and video of toy story, you will enjoy this ride. However, it’s made for mostly children, and there’s no height restrictions. 

5. Spider-Man Web slingers 

Part of the new rides that you will find at the Avengers campus. Perfect for the whole family experience as it has no height restrictions and also brings a lot of fun. 

6. Grizzly river run 

It’s a water raft ride that can take 8 people for each ride. This is another nice fun and adventurous ride for the family. 

7. Soarin’ around the world 

This is like an exploration in a single ride as it provides sights to over 80 sites around the world. It also features loud noise and dark areas for more thrill and fun. 

8. Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue

Fun ride for children of all ages. Also, this is an indoor ride that will feature different scenes from monster movies. 

9. Luigi’s Rollickin’ Roadsters

More like a dancing car that has no tracks. Although it’s fun and entertaining since it’s not a race but just rides round the surroundings with other cars “as they dance”. 

10. Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree

A very beautiful and faster ride for teenagers and adults. There are height restrictions for children since it moves very fast. 

11. Jumpin’ Jellyfish

One the iconic rides you can find at Disneyland adventure California. This ride jumps by taking you 40 feet above the ground in a gentle way. Much suitable for people who love heights. 

12. Inside Out Emotional Whirlwind

Takes riders on an emotional journey of Disney’s “inside out”. Good for lovers of that movie and also for families. 

Others are:

  • Jessie’s Critter Carousel

  • Golden Zephyr

  • Silly Symphony Swings

  • The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Undersea Adventure

  • Goofy’s Sky School

Frequently asked questions 

Are Disney California adventure rides good for children? 

There are rides with height restrictions. So, some are actually not good for children while some are good. 

Can adults ride in Disneyland rides? 

Ye, there are many rides adults of any height can enjoy with their family or alone. 

Which ride is best in Disneyland California adventure

The best ride depends on what you want and how young or your height level. 


Disneyland California Adventure rides are readily available for guests who would want to create sweet memories riding these rides. Also, the fun is unlimited as there are diverse rides to suit your needs.