
What do background checks show: what are the things that shows up on background checks

Do you want to know What a background check can show? Or, are you about to undergo a background check and you want to understand what they may find out about you? Don’t be worried if you are about to undergo a background check. The process is not going to outrightly deny you your dream job. 

Background check does not manufacture information about job seekers just to tarnish their image. Employers use this process to ensure they are hiring the right person for the position. 

Government agencies and contractors use this process to avoid hiring someone that may lead to unwarranted lawsuits. Ride-hailing Companies use this process to avoid hiring a driver that has ugly records of breaking traffic rules. 

Many people who recommend this exercise have their reasons. 

What is involved in background checks

For employers, performing these checks on employees and job seekers will inform the company regarding that person’s past. 

Employees can submit false documents just to secure a job, but if the Company can run a proper background check, it would reveal every truth. 

The employee who the company needs to run background checks on must consent to this move. Companies cannot run ‘real’ background checks when the person is not aware. 

Some information is not allowed to be viewed by employers during background checks; Maybe, unless they are essentially to perform the job in question. 

Do you know that many employees hide their information when applying for certain positions? Yes. They do that to deceive the recruiter into thinking that they are clean. However, with instruments like background checks, hidden information will be exposed easily. 

What do background checks show 

Are you among those thinking that background checks are not powerful? Read on as I reveal to you the potency of background checks that will surprise you. 

Below is a list of some of the things that will show up on background checks:

Social Security Number 

Most recruiters demand for a social security number of intending workers to confirm their eligibility to work in the U.S. However, some clever employees may try to provide  fake numbers just to secure that job. During background checks, this number will be made open, and in a situation it is a fake number, the employee will be in trouble. However, the employer may discuss with the employee on how to sort it out. 

Identity information 

One of the easiest things to discover during a background check is the identity of the employee.

This process helps recruiters avoid employing someone with fake or even stolen identity.

Criminal records 

I can say that the most important part of background checks is to discover past criminal records. 

This finding consist of wrong acts like Sexual Assault, theft, terrorism, murder and other serious crimes. 

If there has been conviction for any of these crimes in the past, it will show up during the background check. 

Knowledge of criminal records of an employee is very important. Serious employers will plan on what steps to take when lawsuits come up because of the employee’s history. 


This result will show current, but mostly past addresses of the person.

Running this check is very important, you will learn about your employee’s address during school time, during tender age and personal residence. 

If you want to depend on the address information on their identity cards, you are not serious then. Some people who know what they are doing are not ready to open up on places they have lived in the past to avoid unnecessary questions. 

Credit reports 

People who wish to work in stocks firms, investing companies or banks may need to run these background checks. 

This is to provide evidence on how they can manage funds. 

Many times, a credit report is not always part of a background check. 

Driving history 

Do you plan to seek employment in any company that requires you to drive people around? Then, they may run background checks on your driving history. This check is targeted to find out how you have been breaking traffic laws, number of tickets you have been issued, how often you pay fines. 

You just can’t get a job driving school children or a company’s heavy truck without this test.

Employment records 

This background check is not very popular but recruiters are now running this test. It involves reviewing where you have worked in the past and the remarks you got. Though, many employers will not use this as an essential metric to deny you the position but adding it with other information about you may make lots of sense. 

Arrest History 

It could be part of criminal record checks but it can also be done when there are concerns. Your employer may want to know the number of times you have been arrested and what is always the reason for this arrest. 

Things that may not show up on background checks 

There’s a law guiding the level of information a company can dig up during a background check. 

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has made some clear guidelines to help companies who want to run background checks. 

  • Medical records: employers are not to run background checks on an employee’s medical history. In addition, medical records of someone should not lead the company to reject the job seeker, unless he/she cannot perform such duty. 
  • Family genetics: companies or contractors don’t have the right to dig out an employee’s family history. They also should not make any decisions based on the job seeker’s family genetics. 

Frequently asked questions 

What shows up on background checks

Personal information, employment information, residency information, driving history, criminal records, identity information and many others. 

How long does a background check take

It can take from 1 day to 7 days if the Company decides to review the information. 

How far does a background check go? 

It can go very deep depending on what’s at stake. Job types may also require deeper background checks to avoid later regrets. 

Can I do free Background checks? 

Some checks are free, especially if it’s done with a website


Background checks can show many things concerning you but the main purpose is for employers to understand the history of their employees. 

Your job type can also influence what will come out from the background check. 

If you are Applying to work as a military intelligence agent, there will definitely be more serious checks that you will go through. 

Job seekers in an apple farm may not go through any form of background checks. 


How to do a Background check: The Effective way to do background check for employment

Do you know that Knowing how to do a background check effectively will reduce arguments that always sprout up after background checks? Even though you want to protect your institution by running checks on all your workers, the process must be inline with the law. 

Some background checks generate information that causes serious disputes between employer and employee. However, when you do the checks properly, everyone involved will be satisfied. 

Using the best metrics to study your result is also as important as the website you use to run the checks. 

Also, if you don’t get to dig out all the ugly information about your staff and they successfully hide it, you will later face a greater danger. So, all recruiters must learn how to do background checks with clearer insight on data recovery management and evaluation. 

Importance of doing effective background check for employment 

Every Company has a goal, how lovely will it be when all the employees know the company goal and are working towards it? It will give massive growth, expansion, recognition to the company right? But, if you employ workers of any kind, they lack a good attitude to work and have a very bad record. They will bring the whole company and its dream down because they should not have been workers in the first place. Therefore, can you see why it is very essential to do an effective background check before you go on to hire workers?

Lawsuits can also affect your company if you refuse to do proper checks on all your workers. 

Some people are already under federal government radar for crimes they committed in the past or linking investigations. Immediately a company hires these suspects, the government may accuse such companies of sponsoring terrorists. Lawsuits will follow and before anything, such careless company is down. 

The Effective way to do background check for employment 

A background check is an important process to verify an employee’s past history, information, criminal records and employment history. 

There is much other information you can dig out through background checks. 

This check ‘if done efficiently’ will make you ‘the recruiter’ hire the best person for any position. 

I will show you the perfect methodology to carry out background checks on employees, even if you are doing it for the first time, this guide will help you. 

Draft a compliant background check policy 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has a lay down rule on how to run a proper background check. 

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) also has guidelines every recruiter must follow while running background checks. 

These laws will be the stepping stone as you go ahead to draft your own rules. 

This rule you are about to draft must not negate the (FCRA) and (EEOC) own laws. This will avoid cases where your employee will sue you for discrimination or illegal possession of personal information. 

Your policy must be standard 

The policy must not change for reasons which the employer didn’t sign up for. 

Always make sure they understand what the check is all about before proceeding to carry it out. Some employers do make sudden changes to background check policy to witch-hunt a certain worker. This is a bad policy standard. 

Make use of the best background check Company 

If you want a background check Company to partner with you and run the checks always, then you must choose the best. 

This company must be registered and recognized by law. Don’t partner with a company that doesn’t adhere to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. 

Choose the best website 

Maybe you lack the funds to partner with a company that will carry out consistent checks on your employees. There are many websites that can offer quality services to recruiters. Some of them offer free service for limited experience. Use the best one depending on your company size and things at stake. 

Prepare for the results 

Do you know that not having a proper way to handle cases of ugly background results may cause issues? Yes. Employees should be made to understand why they won’t be hired because of their past. 

You can even offer them information on other jobs they can do without a background check. 

Open window for amendment 

This is another important phase in handling background check results. 

Employees who are found to have a bad history should be given the opportunity to explain what led to the action. They can also make a case to oppose certain findings with rights to be heard. 

Take proper, informed action 

If you decide to expel a worker after a background check, do it the proper way and make sure they see the results. 

Also, you can use information on background checks to make your next hiring process a better one. 

How to choose a good background check Company 

This process will determine the kind of result you will get after the checks. 

  • Compliance: the company you choose must adhere to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This way, you won’t have to face any type of lawsuit from the company after the background check. 
  • Proper Assessment: Choose a company that does the check with updated information. 
  • Good price: you should also consider the cost, especially when you have a small staff. Go for a company that will do the work without charging an excessive amount. 

Frequently asked questions 

How do I run a background check on someone for free

There are some websites you can use to do this. If you have bigger staff, make use of a background check Company. 

Can I do a background check on a tenant

You can run a basic background check on your intended tenant but the process must follow the Fair Credit Reporting Act to avoid lawsuit. 

How do I expel a worker after background checks 

You must present to them the result of such a background check and allow them to explain or argue some of the findings. 


How to do a Background check in this computer age is above partnering with a background check Company. You now have the option of using a website to verify the authenticity of the information job seekers provide when applying for jobs. However, partnering with a law compliant company can help if you have a large workforce. 

Background check Company that uses modern technology is better. They will have to integrate your staff data with their own to produce up-to-date information. Using integration will help the employer and the background checker Company to share information about new recruits easily. 


Employer background Check: Look out for these things to avoid failing a background check for employment

Employer Background check is an exercise to verify the past records of an intending employee who wants to secure a job with a company that values the worker’s history. 

Background checks can all be seen as a good step but do you know that many job seekers are afraid of the procedure? Yes. That’s because they need the job and won’t be happy if their past mistake or action denies them the position. 

Do this before your employer or recruiter asks for your consent to carry out a background check on you. ‘Make sure you understand some certain things about the rules of background check’. This will put you on the right side of handling any sort of results that may appear. 

Sometimes, employees are not afraid because they have ugly past, but because the employer can use the process to discriminate against them.

In this article, I will show you—your rights as an employee and how to perfectly handle background check outcomes. 

Should I be afraid of Employer background checks? 

The law governing background checks in most countries allows the employer to treat everyone equally. 

Maybe you are afraid that the recruiter will carry out background checks just because of your color? Don’t worry because the law opposes discrimination of any type using background checks. 

  • If the recruiter is asking only you for your financial history or criminal records then that is a clear sign of discrimination. Except when it is clear that the position you are applying for is more important than others. 
  • During Employer background Check, Recruiters are not allowed to ask for genetic information or employee family medical history. 
  • Employers are not going to make employment decisions based on family medical records or genetic information. So, don’t be afraid when they have this information. 
  • Employers are not going to ask for medical records when you are already working unless there is clear evidence you can’t perform that job. 

Look out for these things to avoid failing background check 

Since these checks can be an intense exercise, what should you do to stay safe and don’t fail a background check? Read on as I outline the best decisions you can make to avoid failing background checks. 

Prepare for the checks 

Depending on the type of job you are looking for, it is possible to learn about the main focus of the background checks. Understanding this will help you prepare yourself for those aspects. Some recruiters may organize interviews after the check to hear from you based on some issues relating to the background check. 

Try to be clear with further questions and specifically offer information that align with your data. 

Prepare your credit report 

This act will save you some stress when the recruiter handles information on your credit history. 

Employers now see credit reports as an avenue to learn more about employee’s spending behavior. 

Having clear knowledge about your credit score and history will give you better ground to either argue, or defend some aspects of your data the recruiter may pinpoint. 

Be prepared on drug test 

Though not all, some Employer background Check procedures now see reasons to carry out drug tests on job seekers. 

You need to verify the kind of drug or substance test the company do carry-out and ensure you don’t associate with such substances. 

Prepare your driving history 

Decisions on your driving record may be more swift but you still have grounds to explain some offenses on your record. 

When you see the history before your employer, it will help you in preparing your input and arguments beforehand. 

Understand the employment laws

Don’t allow employers to play with you. Research and understand the laws guiding employment background check in your country. The law may not be the same in all parts of the world. So, try and learn about rules relating to background checks. 

Be at the to top the game 

Yes. Don’t allow recruiters to surprise you with details that don’t speak well about you. 

Prepare your own background check even before they begin the process or even before you are employed. You can tell your employer about some negative things on your record. Though this can be tough since it can lead to loss of job but still better than allowing them to catch you off guard. 

What employers are allowed to check

Academic Qualification: these checks will reveal if the employee truly has a good academic record. Employers will also love to verify their employees’ records and remarks in school. 

Previous Employment: do you think there’s a bad record about you in your previous place of work? Well, your recruiter may find out as it is part of information they will verify. 

Referees: this may not affect you but some recruiter would want to know who your referees are. 

Address Check: you should use the correct address on your documents because the recruiter will surely check them to understand if you are reachable. 

Work permit and Visa Check: background check is not mainly about your immigration status but it can influence recruiter’s decisions if you are an illegal migrant. 

Criminal Record: this is one of the main focus of background checks since no employer would love to hire a worker with bad criminal records. 

Driving records: recruiters also run checks to see how well you obey road signs and your accidents history. 

Frequently asked questions 

Who can run a background check

Any recruiter who needs to understand their employee may decide to run some background checks. 

Should I be afraid of background checks

Whether you have bad records or not, don’t worry about background checks if you can do some research about yourself to be ahead of your employer. 

Can someone fail a background check

Yes. Employers can decide not to employ you because of your records. There’s a window to explain why there is negative history about you. 

How should I prepare for a background check

Do well to evaluate your past records and the type of offenses you have committed in the past. Research about your employer’s opinion on workers’ background. 


Employer background Check can determine whether you will secure that job you are applying for. Even as an employee already working with a company, they may someday decide to run background checks on you. 

Prepare yourself to avoid failing any checks from your recruiter by verifying your own data first.

Learn more about employment law and background check on hupsee.


Background checks free: Free Background checks Sites you can leverage on

There are many websites you can use to do free Background checks. They offer accurate and up-to-date information about your employee and maybe, other information you want to verify. 

Industries and other institutions are now using background checks to understand the type of employee they want to hire. 

Government recruiters always need this process to conduct employment. 

Do you know that private sectors now use background checks to verify the authenticity of the information job seekers provide? Yes. Recruiters are becoming weary of the history of their workers to avoid lawsuits. 

What does background check mean

Background check is an initiative to help employers verify the history of people and entities. 

This action will open the profile of people you want to understand their past. Isn’t that awesome? This is going to be helpful in many ways. 

The system will show information about their identity, criminal records, employment history, education, medical records, and some other information. 

The information you can view by running a background check on people depends on the types of work they are applying for. You would need to understand the medical history of an employee only if the position they will occupy has health effects. 

Criminal records is the most popular background check employers run. This is because this type of check will solve most of their fears of employing that person to take over a certain position. 

Can I check the background for free? 

There are many ways you can check people’s backgrounds for free, and I will show you some of them as we go on. 

One thing about looking for free and cheap stuff is that you may not get full function like the one you have to pay for. 

Deeper background checks will even not be possible with just free software. In addition to the fact that you need the consent of the person you want to run checks on. 

If you just want to do normal background checks on someone, then I will say that some websites will give you exactly what you need with excellent quality. 

Before we go on to learn about those free Background check websites, I want you to know that some will offer to run checks for free, but to just entice you. They mostly cost even higher than other ones. 

I will help you to identify some of the best free ways to run background checks with your computer or phone. 

Free Background checks Sites you can leverage on

This is a list of some websites that can run background checks for you. The idea of running a background check is a very serious task that must be done properly. 

Below is a reason I chose some of the websites as the best online free Background Checker. 

  • Value: the websites on list will offer you the same value as the paid ones. In fact, you may find more information using these free sites. 
  • Design: no one would love to stare at an ugly site just for the sake of background checks. 
  • Multiple options: this website will help you with other functionalities to do more than just ordinary tests. You will have the opportunity to run more tests as well. 

Instant checkmate 

Do you want to run a free criminal background check now? Then use instant checkmate. You will get deep information about the person you want to run the test for. Not just anyhow shallow information some crappy website will view. You will learn about people’s education, criminal history, address and other relevant information. 


This website has one of the best databases when it comes to people’s backgrounds. 

Do you want to find out any public information about someone? Then truthfinder will help you do that easily. 


This website offers all you need when looking for the best website for background check. 

The files can be downloaded if you need to show the person what you found after the background check. 

Almost every gadget that can access the internet will be fine when running your next background check on searchpeoplefree


The time where you have to waste your time searching for fake information is over. You deserve the best – even if you don’t have money to pay for a premium background check. 

People love realpeoplsearch because you can easily download the profile of people without having to purchase the “higher” premium package. 


You can use this website if you desire to search about many people and not just one person. 

Pipl will deliver an awesome job but you should know how to clean results off to avoid mixing information of different people. 


Apart from the common background checks, you can use Cocofinder to find anyone using the email and phone number finder system. 

Sometimes, I wonder why this website is free since they do what some other websites can’t do with a paid version. Like finding arrest history, education records, address, criminal records, employment history and many other information. 

Will free Background checks be effective? 

If you know what you are looking for then one of these websites can help you find it easily. One thing about free Background Checkers is that people look down on its capabilities, thereby, patronizing paid ones that won’t give them what they need. 

Will they remain free? Well, some of these websites have been offering free service for many years and people have been testifying about its effectiveness. 

When you try any of them and it later requires an upgrade, drop it and use another one. 

Frequently asked questions 

What is the best free Background check website

There many of the great ones I can say I’m satisfied with the service they provided. They are; Instant checkmate, Searchpeoplefree, Realpeoplesearch, Pipl, Cocofinder. 

Is truth finder free to use

They provide free service for people who can’t pay for the premium background check. 

How much is a background check in Alabama

Majority of the background check websites will charge you around $25 for normal checks but there may be higher pay in some cases. 


The Free Background checks Sites I have listed are available for you to leverage on before going to the premium package. 

They can help you find all the important history about any person you are running checks on. 

These websites won’t request for payment before you can download the records about a person. 

Find more information about background check on hupsee 


E-verify and background check: What is the difference between e-verify and background check

E-verify and background check are all processes employers take seriously to avoid hiring someone with illegal migration history. Do you know that employing individuals with a criminal record or illegal migration history can affect your business badly? Yes. Government and law firms can sue you for covering someone with ugly records. 

The benefits of carrying out e-verification and adequate background checks on all your employees is massive. So, you should continue reading as I reveal to you more ways it can help your business. 

Individuals who want to learn more about the difference between background check and E-verify should continue reading. 

Sometimes, employers may need only background checks to verify that their intended employees have clear records. 

What is E-verify

E-verify is a free online verification program. It helps employers to know if the person they want to hire is a legal migrant in the United States, or illegal. 

Government agencies mostly require this process for new employees. 

Your form I-9 goes through matching procedures with information on the U.S department of homeland security (DHS) plus Social Security Administration (SSA). After this verification, the employer will understand if you can work in the United States or not. 

Failure of your data to match will make your chances of working in the United States slimmer, or you have to go through other ways to correct the errors. However, if you are really an illegal migrant, then you have to document your status in the United States or you won’t work. If you are found working illegally with your status then deportation or Imprisonment can take place. 

Since many federal, state and local governments are subject to this step. employees won’t give you a chance to work in the U.S. 

Background check: What you should know 

Background check is done to verify claims by a person or an entity. Employers always carry out background checks to make sure that you are not supplying invalid information or false details. 

Criminal records are a big part of the investigation employers carry out on intending employees. They utilize information from third-party sources or security agencies to confirm your criminal record. 

Government can provide other help in demarking the severity of crimes and the kind of work available to perpetrators. 

Education and employment history are part of an employee’s records that are important during background checks. However, the level of checks does depend on location and industry. 

Some major sectors will ensure they dig up all your past when the position you are applying for involves handling money or important information. 

Purpose of E-verify

Agencies and employers make use of E-verify to verify if the migration status of job applicants is legal. 

Some States in the U.S make this process compulsory to avoid businesses that have the intention to cover illegal immigrants. 

Purpose of background check 

Background checks are now made part of the screening process for job applicants. Most of the Job positions in the US that require background checks look out to employ workers who will handle very delicate projects. 

  • Workers who look for employment in the firearm industry must undergo this background assessment which protects the business from avoidable incidents. 
  • Background check is also a perfect way to understand candidates past job mistakes, accidents, fears and strengths. 
  • Employers who want to avoid employees from repeating mistakes don’t joke with background checks. 
  • Even though the process is important in all aspects of work, some industries require it more than others. 
  • Below is a list of Sectors that require background checks on employees. 
    • school
    • courthouse
    • hospital
    • financial institution
    • airport
    • government

Difference between E-verify and background check 

These two terms are mechanisms industries and agencies use to verify the Admissibility of applicants of a particular job. However, there’s a clear difference between them since the working purpose differs. 

Background checks may actually affect how easy it is for individuals to get a job and E-verify may not have a high effect since there are ways to correct wrong information. 

Table below shows clearer differences between the two;


Background check 

E-verify has to be done at the time of employment and it won’t be conducted again.  Background checks don’t just end when the hiring process is done. It will continue as the employee performs the job. 
The main purpose of E-verify is to understand an employee’s immigration history before employment.   Background check check will help your employer to look up information about you. 
E-verify may not deny you from getting the job unless you fail to correct the contradiction in your information.  Since the purpose of a background check is to understand the employee better, you may not get the job if the employer finds out bad records. 
E-verify is done online with the help of many systems like instant, email, call and chat service.  Agencies and the government can assist in carrying out background checks. 
E-verify is free and the result is fast.  Background checks may require payment of money in some cases. 

Rules of E-verify and Background check 

  • Employers or any type of entity who wish to run background checks for intending employees must get their full consent. 
  • They must show evidence that the purpose is for employment. 
  • E-verify is mainly done electronically after the employee has been accepted to work. They must show their full consent before the employer can carry out this process. 

Frequently asked questions 

What does background check mean

This is a process of reviewing the history of an intending employee on criminal, financial, employment and other relevant records. 

What is the meaning of E-verify

E-verify is a free online verification program that reveals if an employee’s form I-9 matches what is on DHS and SSA documents. 

Is e-verify and background check the same

No. E-verify reviews employee’s migration status while background checks verify their past criminal, financial and employment history. 

Is e-verify and background check free

The online system for E-verify is totally free to use but you have to pay before you carry out background checks. 


E-verify and background check are tools employers must value in order to carry out their functions perfectly. 

They are both instruments that benefit the employer. Moreover, the employee must show consent before any of them is done. 

E-verify helps in understanding the immigration status of an employee but background check is for records pertaining their actions, criminal records, medical conditions, previous employment conditions.