
No background check jobs: Jobs in Canada, US & UK that requires no background check

Looking for No background check jobs in cities near you may seem exhausting; especially when you are an ex-convict or with just an ugly past. 

Background check is very important to employers as they use it as the perfect metrics to understand the past of their employees. However, it will become a nightmare for job seekers who have been involved with illegal activities in the past. Also, the check always exposes even little mistakes a person may have made in the past. 

Background checks will haunt you even if you are looking for some minor job since recruiters now use this process to discriminate against people. 

If you think your past is not so holy, but you still want to look for jobs that require No background check to fend for yourself, you must be careful with the type of job to apply for. 

These jobs I will reveal to you will pay you very well plus other benefits that will come with it. 

Jobs in Canada, US & UK that requires no background check

Are you still worrying about your past but still need a job? Don’t worry again, I will show you some of the best jobs you can do in the US, UK, and Canada. 


Construction is a very lucrative job that will fetch you enough money whether you are in Canada, US or UK. 

Though you need a level of knowledge about this trade, but the good news is that you can learn on the job. 

Construction work types like carpentry, electrical or plumbing will require you to learn from those who are already masters. 

Before you look for construction jobs, make sure your health is good, ensure you can lift a large weight, and ensure your sight is fine. 

The pay for construction workers is not poor. Below is what you stand to earn as a construction workers per hour in these countries;

  • Canada $32 (CAD) 
  • US $18.2
  • UK £21.6


You can work in a restaurant without the fear of a background check. However, your position may be in the back-room where you wash plates, clean, pack the garbage disposal, cook or maintain some part of the room later. 

If you are lucky, some restaurant recruiter may allow you to serve food and drink. 

Below is salary range for restaurant workers;

  • Canada $17.4 (CAD) 
  • U.S $13.7
  • UK £12

Farm work 

You don’t want to undergo a background check? Then your surest place to work is in the farm. It is easy to secure if you love the work environment. Some farm work can give you a better working environment if you have good skills. 

People see farm work as an outdoor laborious job that will stress the workers. Well, that’s true in most cases since you will be outside during rain and sun. 

As a fruit picker, you won’t even worry about any kind of serious questioning because you will have to have the employer seriously need your services. 

Below is salary range of a farm worker per hour;

  • Canada $15.2 (CAD) 
  • U.S $12.79
  • UK £11.79


Though you must learn how to do this job before looking for employment. However, most employers won’t bother to ask about your background or even go further to run a check on you. 

You will spend most time in this job grooming customers. 

If you love this job, you can start off by becoming an apprentice to someone who is already good. If you become diligent, within a few months, you will learn how to do hairstyling and beard maintenance.

Idea of barber salary in Canada, US and UK per hour. 

  • Canada $17.6 (CAD) 
  • US $14.4
  • UK £13

Pet Caring 

Do you love pets? Do you need a job that requires no background check? Then you can make a living by taking care of pets. 

Grooming pets and dog walking is one of the best pet caring jobs you can look for. The pay is good since people who own pets spend lots of money to take good care of them. 

list of average salaries per hour 

  • Canada $16.2 (CAD) 
  • U.S $12.6
  • UK £15

House Cleaning 

This is another lucrative job that will not require your background check. 

You can work in hotels, homes, industries and parks. There’s no limit to where a cleaner can work. 

If you need a job but you may not have time to learn or become an apprentice, then you should consider cleaning. 

Freelance writing 

Can you deliver good content with good grammar and spelling? Then being a professional writer can earn you a lot of money. 

You will be writing blog contents, emails, adverts, general marketing contents and educational contents. 

One lovely thing about becoming a freelance writer is that you can work from home. Just have basic tools like, phone, computer and desk. You should take this part if you really need a job that requires no background check whatsoever. 


Just like cleaning, you don’t need sophisticated skills to become a gardener. 

You will learn on the job and the skills you will develop from your first experience can help you land many other landscaping jobs. 


Your work here is to look after children. The job is cool and you will not feel lonely since you are in the midst of many cheerful kids. 

Opportunity for this type of job is very high; especially in the residential areas. Even though this job may not require background checks, you must be good in taking care of people’s children and give parents reasons to trust you. 

Frequently asked questions 

Do I need a background check for call center jobs? 

Many call center jobs don’t require you to undergo a background check but some may still insist. 

Can I see jobs that don’t require a criminal background check in the UK

Yes. Caregiver jobs, barber jobs, cleaning jobs, construction jobs and some others don’t require background checks. 

Do I need background checks for remote jobs

No. Many remote freelancing jobs do not require background checks. 


No background check jobs are those positions you can apply without worry of background check procedures. 

Though background checks are a relevant move by employers to hire the right person, they now use the process to discriminate against job seekers.

Check out hupsee for more employment tips.


Uber background check: Here is everything you need to know

Uber background check is like every other check companies perform to understand the record of job seekers before hiring them. Uber background check however, looks to verify information about intending drivers who wish to drive for them. 

You must pass this test before you can finally call yourself an Uber rider. Though the process is simple, making any single mistake may disqualify you from your dream of becoming an Uber driver. 

You should also know that Uber runs these background checks at least once a year. Do you want to know the time of the years they carry out the checks? Well, there’s no fixed period of the year. They can run the checks anytime to ensure drivers don’t have any form of criminal records. 

What is Uber Background check

This is a check that must be carried out on everyone who wishes to become an Uber driver in any capacity. 

The target of this check is on criminal record, arrest history, Education, and other essential information of the driver. 

Part of this check states that every driver below the age of 23 must have 3 years driving experience in the U.S. to drive for Uber. Drivers above 23 need to have 1 years driving experience in the U.S.

Motor vehicle Reports (MVR) is another test you must pass to qualify for this job. 

The check on your criminal record does not mean you will be disqualified for any criminal record. The most serious one is actually what will deny you the position. Sometimes, murder records, sexual offenses, Kidnapping, human Trafficking, and general violence are only the type of record that may disqualify you from being an Uber driver. 

Uber background check: What they look for 

Uber background check exercise is not to just disqualify you for the job. There are certain things they look for. 

You will be helping yourself if you read on to learn what you should expect them to check during this important exercise. 

Driving history 

This is a driving job you are applying for, so driving history is one of the most important parts of Uber background checks. 

The company performing this check will focus more on the number of traffic laws you have broken. 

Don’t panic because Uber themselve don’t want to work with drivers with a very negative driving history. 

This check may include;

  • Verification of your driver’s license 
  • Accident history 
  • Violation of traffic laws 
  • Verification of driving experience. 

Criminal records 

Another important part of this check is your criminal records. Uber would want to hire drivers who wouldn’t steal company property or get caught stealing. 

Criminal history is what may disqualify you if there’s any ugly past on your record, which includes and not limited to;

  • Sexual Assault: have been convicted of sexual Assault related crimes? Then your chance of having a successful background check is very little. 
  • Murder: have been convicted of any murder crime or you have a murder case pending? It will affect your chances, especially if you are a convict. 
  • Criminal charge: this cannot disqualify candidates in many cases since there are levels of criminality. Heavy ones will deny you the opportunity but less crimes may not be a problem. You must also understand that crime definitions are dependent on country and judicial proclamation. 

Employment records 

This report may not affect in some cases unless there is a remark of you not performing your work. Employment background checks will also show former places you may have worked as a driver, which Uber will capitalize to understand everything about your performance. 

How to prepare for Uber background checks 

The check doesn’t need much preparation but it will benefit you to know some things to work on before the check takes place. 

  1. Prepare your documents: you need to provide all of these documents before you can drive for Uber. 
    • Social Security Number 
    • Driver’s license 
    • Permanent residence card (for migrants only) 
    • Vehicle registration documents 
    • Inspection form 
  2. Run the background check before Uber: Understand your past clearly by checking yourself first before Uber to avoid mix-up. This will help you respond to ugly findings. 
  3. Read Uber policy: study and understand Uber background check policy to know your ground, and learn more about the aspects of your life they will check. 
  4. Prepare for the outcome: the result of a background check can mean different things but you have the right to work on some of them. 

How long will Uber background check take? 

Maybe the background check is processing and you are anxious to know how many days you must wait before seeing the results. Note that the check – even when it comes, you will wait a longer time for review. 

The background check may come out immediately but the review process may take from 1 day to 7 days. 

They can ask you for more information about certain things. Maybe when your name or address is not matching up. 

One thing about Uber background check is that you can appeal for any decision they make which is not favorable to you. However, make sure you have important errors to point out or correction to make before appealing—when your background check is rejected. 

Frequently asked questions 

What is background check used for in Uber? 

Uber uses the check to verify your information, criminal records, driving record, employment history, and make decisions if you are eligible to be a driver. 

How strict is Uber background check

You must pass a background check before you can be seen as an Uber driver, that’s how strict it is. 

Can I reapply after rejection 

If you think there was an error with their decision or an important information you wish to correct, then you may appeal the rejection. 

How do I pass my Uber background checks

You must have a clear criminal and driving history. Also research about Uber background check policy to learn something about this important process. 


Uber background checks seem like the most difficult background checks in the history of employment but that’s not true. People are mostly afraid of the check unnecessarily. If you get all the files to support your claims then they will approve you. Remember that you can also appeal to their decision if they reject you.