
What do background checks show: what are the things that shows up on background checks

Do you want to know What a background check can show? Or, are you about to undergo a background check and you want to understand what they may find out about you? Don’t be worried if you are about to undergo a background check. The process is not going to outrightly deny you your dream job. 

Background check does not manufacture information about job seekers just to tarnish their image. Employers use this process to ensure they are hiring the right person for the position. 

Government agencies and contractors use this process to avoid hiring someone that may lead to unwarranted lawsuits. Ride-hailing Companies use this process to avoid hiring a driver that has ugly records of breaking traffic rules. 

Many people who recommend this exercise have their reasons. 

What is involved in background checks

For employers, performing these checks on employees and job seekers will inform the company regarding that person’s past. 

Employees can submit false documents just to secure a job, but if the Company can run a proper background check, it would reveal every truth. 

The employee who the company needs to run background checks on must consent to this move. Companies cannot run ‘real’ background checks when the person is not aware. 

Some information is not allowed to be viewed by employers during background checks; Maybe, unless they are essentially to perform the job in question. 

Do you know that many employees hide their information when applying for certain positions? Yes. They do that to deceive the recruiter into thinking that they are clean. However, with instruments like background checks, hidden information will be exposed easily. 

What do background checks show 

Are you among those thinking that background checks are not powerful? Read on as I reveal to you the potency of background checks that will surprise you. 

Below is a list of some of the things that will show up on background checks:

Social Security Number 

Most recruiters demand for a social security number of intending workers to confirm their eligibility to work in the U.S. However, some clever employees may try to provide  fake numbers just to secure that job. During background checks, this number will be made open, and in a situation it is a fake number, the employee will be in trouble. However, the employer may discuss with the employee on how to sort it out. 

Identity information 

One of the easiest things to discover during a background check is the identity of the employee.

This process helps recruiters avoid employing someone with fake or even stolen identity.

Criminal records 

I can say that the most important part of background checks is to discover past criminal records. 

This finding consist of wrong acts like Sexual Assault, theft, terrorism, murder and other serious crimes. 

If there has been conviction for any of these crimes in the past, it will show up during the background check. 

Knowledge of criminal records of an employee is very important. Serious employers will plan on what steps to take when lawsuits come up because of the employee’s history. 


This result will show current, but mostly past addresses of the person.

Running this check is very important, you will learn about your employee’s address during school time, during tender age and personal residence. 

If you want to depend on the address information on their identity cards, you are not serious then. Some people who know what they are doing are not ready to open up on places they have lived in the past to avoid unnecessary questions. 

Credit reports 

People who wish to work in stocks firms, investing companies or banks may need to run these background checks. 

This is to provide evidence on how they can manage funds. 

Many times, a credit report is not always part of a background check. 

Driving history 

Do you plan to seek employment in any company that requires you to drive people around? Then, they may run background checks on your driving history. This check is targeted to find out how you have been breaking traffic laws, number of tickets you have been issued, how often you pay fines. 

You just can’t get a job driving school children or a company’s heavy truck without this test.

Employment records 

This background check is not very popular but recruiters are now running this test. It involves reviewing where you have worked in the past and the remarks you got. Though, many employers will not use this as an essential metric to deny you the position but adding it with other information about you may make lots of sense. 

Arrest History 

It could be part of criminal record checks but it can also be done when there are concerns. Your employer may want to know the number of times you have been arrested and what is always the reason for this arrest. 

Things that may not show up on background checks 

There’s a law guiding the level of information a company can dig up during a background check. 

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has made some clear guidelines to help companies who want to run background checks. 

  • Medical records: employers are not to run background checks on an employee’s medical history. In addition, medical records of someone should not lead the company to reject the job seeker, unless he/she cannot perform such duty. 
  • Family genetics: companies or contractors don’t have the right to dig out an employee’s family history. They also should not make any decisions based on the job seeker’s family genetics. 

Frequently asked questions 

What shows up on background checks

Personal information, employment information, residency information, driving history, criminal records, identity information and many others. 

How long does a background check take

It can take from 1 day to 7 days if the Company decides to review the information. 

How far does a background check go? 

It can go very deep depending on what’s at stake. Job types may also require deeper background checks to avoid later regrets. 

Can I do free Background checks? 

Some checks are free, especially if it’s done with a website


Background checks can show many things concerning you but the main purpose is for employers to understand the history of their employees. 

Your job type can also influence what will come out from the background check. 

If you are Applying to work as a military intelligence agent, there will definitely be more serious checks that you will go through. 

Job seekers in an apple farm may not go through any form of background checks.