
E-verify: What is e-verify and how do I use it

E-verify is a system that allows employers to confirm the legal ability of their employees to work in the United States. Employers can now use this service to verify if the person they want to hire is eligible by the U.S law. 

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, (USCIS) have to develop this system since many employers fall into the trap of employing workers with questionable background. 

The system is totally free to use for employers and employees. It runs a comparison test on your information on the U.S department of homeland security (DHS) plus Social Security Administration (SSA). The aim is to confirm that your information on form I-9 is the same to what the DHS have in their own server. 

What is E-verify?

This online verification process is a move to make sure illegal immigrants don’t get hired to work in the U.S.

Information you provide with your intending employer will go through matching procedures with what DHS and SSA have with them. 

Though not all sectors require employees to run the E-verify test, most government works do require it as part of your employment eligibility criteria. 

The result of this process can come out in two ways;

Employment Authorized: this response means that the information employee provided is inline with what is on DHS and SSA. You can freely work if you receive a result like that. 

SSA or DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation (mismatch): receiving this response means that the information the employee provided does not match what is on DHS and SSA database. 

Employees can take action to resolve the wrong information by providing correct information or go to the DHS office if the issue persists. 

How did E-verify start

The undying move to block illegal immigrants that troop into the United states to take up work is what gave birth to this system. 

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act that took effect in 1996 (IIRIRA) is the main law that is piloting this program. 

The name E-verify was part of the restructuring to this reform in 2007. It battles immigrants without documents from getting jobs in the U.S. 

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services in conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made a move by signing an agreement. 

These two entities can now share information across borders to help fight against illegal workers in the United States. 

U.S States that recommend E-verify

Private sectors and industries may not force employees to go through E-verify since it does not have federal law backing it. However, some states in the United States do require this verification before employment. 

Some other states see it as a thing of choice for people who think they can do it. 

I will show you 22 U.S states that mandate employees to go through E-verify. 


This state has it as law that every employer must carry out E-verify on all the employees. They also mandate sectors and employers to provide evidence of this verification. 


Employees and contractors who want to get government contracts in Arizona must make use of E-verify. 


Employers or employees under the political subdivision and Contractors working with the government must make use of this verification process. 


Agencies and all employing entities must use the E-verify. There’s no exemption but government contractors may subject only the employees to this process. 


All employers working under the state or municipal license must make use of this verification process. 


State contractors and many other agencies must make use of this verification process. 


Only contractors under the state and local government levels should endeavor to use the E-verify. 


This state is mandating all contractors under the government and private sector to make use of E-verify. Especially those handling public sector projects. 


This state mandates contractors under the department of transportation and human resources to make use of this verification. 


If you work as a contractor on a project worth over $50,000 then you should abide by this verification program. 


You must use the E-verify even if you work with the private sector or the public sector. 


Contractors with projects above $5,000 must make use of this verification. Employers in the state can also mandate employees to make use of this program. 


All Public entities, contractors and businesses that qualify for tax incentives must use this E-verify. 

North Carolina 

If your sector or business has more than 25 employees then you must use this verification. Universities, government agencies and new workers should also verify. 


State government agencies, local government agencies and other government contractors must use this verification program. 


All public contractors working on the state projects, under construction, painting or other must use E-verify. 

South Carolina 

The law here states that employers must make sure employees verify within three days of getting hired. All other businesses must use this service as no substitution is allowed. 


Much easier in Tennessee as they may welcome your drivers license or ID card to replace the verification process. 


State government agencies and local government agencies must use E-verify 


Public entities and other contractors must use this verification program. Private sectors who have over 15 employees should also vary the workers. 


Contractors who want to sign contracts of around $50,000 must make use of this verification. Also, state agencies with over 50 employees should use this verification. 

West Virginia 

All public contractors. 

How to use E-verify

E-verify is a system to verify if individuals meet the eligibility criteria to secure employment in the United States. 

  • The process is free. Visit E-verify.gov to commence the process by first registering an account. 
  • Fill in your correct details as it should be without Making mistakes. 
  • Start the process as it takes only some seconds to complete. 
  • View the results.

You can always work for changes if you believe some information about you is not correct by visiting DHS. 

Frequently asked questions 

What is E-verify in the United States

This is a free online verification program that helps in blocking illegal migrants from getting work in the U.S. 

Is E-verify required in california

You can decide to take part in the verification but California is not among states that enforce this process. 

Do all jobs in the USA require E-verification

The verification depends on your state of residence since some US states don’t require it for jobs. But you may have to go through it if you are working for government agencies. 


E-verify is the system in the United States that protects employers from getting lawsuits because of who they employ. 

Contractors who wish to work in government projects must subject their workers to this verification process. 


E-verify and background check: What is the difference between e-verify and background check

E-verify and background check are all processes employers take seriously to avoid hiring someone with illegal migration history. Do you know that employing individuals with a criminal record or illegal migration history can affect your business badly? Yes. Government and law firms can sue you for covering someone with ugly records. 

The benefits of carrying out e-verification and adequate background checks on all your employees is massive. So, you should continue reading as I reveal to you more ways it can help your business. 

Individuals who want to learn more about the difference between background check and E-verify should continue reading. 

Sometimes, employers may need only background checks to verify that their intended employees have clear records. 

What is E-verify

E-verify is a free online verification program. It helps employers to know if the person they want to hire is a legal migrant in the United States, or illegal. 

Government agencies mostly require this process for new employees. 

Your form I-9 goes through matching procedures with information on the U.S department of homeland security (DHS) plus Social Security Administration (SSA). After this verification, the employer will understand if you can work in the United States or not. 

Failure of your data to match will make your chances of working in the United States slimmer, or you have to go through other ways to correct the errors. However, if you are really an illegal migrant, then you have to document your status in the United States or you won’t work. If you are found working illegally with your status then deportation or Imprisonment can take place. 

Since many federal, state and local governments are subject to this step. employees won’t give you a chance to work in the U.S. 

Background check: What you should know 

Background check is done to verify claims by a person or an entity. Employers always carry out background checks to make sure that you are not supplying invalid information or false details. 

Criminal records are a big part of the investigation employers carry out on intending employees. They utilize information from third-party sources or security agencies to confirm your criminal record. 

Government can provide other help in demarking the severity of crimes and the kind of work available to perpetrators. 

Education and employment history are part of an employee’s records that are important during background checks. However, the level of checks does depend on location and industry. 

Some major sectors will ensure they dig up all your past when the position you are applying for involves handling money or important information. 

Purpose of E-verify

Agencies and employers make use of E-verify to verify if the migration status of job applicants is legal. 

Some States in the U.S make this process compulsory to avoid businesses that have the intention to cover illegal immigrants. 

Purpose of background check 

Background checks are now made part of the screening process for job applicants. Most of the Job positions in the US that require background checks look out to employ workers who will handle very delicate projects. 

  • Workers who look for employment in the firearm industry must undergo this background assessment which protects the business from avoidable incidents. 
  • Background check is also a perfect way to understand candidates past job mistakes, accidents, fears and strengths. 
  • Employers who want to avoid employees from repeating mistakes don’t joke with background checks. 
  • Even though the process is important in all aspects of work, some industries require it more than others. 
  • Below is a list of Sectors that require background checks on employees. 
    • school
    • courthouse
    • hospital
    • financial institution
    • airport
    • government

Difference between E-verify and background check 

These two terms are mechanisms industries and agencies use to verify the Admissibility of applicants of a particular job. However, there’s a clear difference between them since the working purpose differs. 

Background checks may actually affect how easy it is for individuals to get a job and E-verify may not have a high effect since there are ways to correct wrong information. 

Table below shows clearer differences between the two;


Background check 

E-verify has to be done at the time of employment and it won’t be conducted again.  Background checks don’t just end when the hiring process is done. It will continue as the employee performs the job. 
The main purpose of E-verify is to understand an employee’s immigration history before employment.   Background check check will help your employer to look up information about you. 
E-verify may not deny you from getting the job unless you fail to correct the contradiction in your information.  Since the purpose of a background check is to understand the employee better, you may not get the job if the employer finds out bad records. 
E-verify is done online with the help of many systems like instant, email, call and chat service.  Agencies and the government can assist in carrying out background checks. 
E-verify is free and the result is fast.  Background checks may require payment of money in some cases. 

Rules of E-verify and Background check 

  • Employers or any type of entity who wish to run background checks for intending employees must get their full consent. 
  • They must show evidence that the purpose is for employment. 
  • E-verify is mainly done electronically after the employee has been accepted to work. They must show their full consent before the employer can carry out this process. 

Frequently asked questions 

What does background check mean

This is a process of reviewing the history of an intending employee on criminal, financial, employment and other relevant records. 

What is the meaning of E-verify

E-verify is a free online verification program that reveals if an employee’s form I-9 matches what is on DHS and SSA documents. 

Is e-verify and background check the same

No. E-verify reviews employee’s migration status while background checks verify their past criminal, financial and employment history. 

Is e-verify and background check free

The online system for E-verify is totally free to use but you have to pay before you carry out background checks. 


E-verify and background check are tools employers must value in order to carry out their functions perfectly. 

They are both instruments that benefit the employer. Moreover, the employee must show consent before any of them is done. 

E-verify helps in understanding the immigration status of an employee but background check is for records pertaining their actions, criminal records, medical conditions, previous employment conditions.