
Employment background check: What every employee needs to know about background check

Employment background check is now becoming interesting as every employer now suggests background checks on new employees. 

As an employee who works in a company or institution that makes background checks a compulsory part of keeping your job, then you need to know about the process. 

Many Job seekers now see background checks as a way recruiters now play games on intending workers, but it’s that true? Can employers actually manipulate background checks? That’s part of the question I will answer in this article as we go on. 

What is an employment background check

Employment or employee background check is a process that employers use to verify the financial, criminal, commercial and employment history of a person they intend to hire. 

Organizations that carry out this check do it to ensure the right person is what they are hiring for a particular job. 

Banks or other financial institutions when they want to hire an accountant, they must subject the prospect to background checks. 

No institution will love to hire someone that was involved in any type of action that is seen as criminal. 

The focus of this particular check is on the financial and overall truthfulness of the person they want to hire. Though background checks can stretch to many other areas depending on the organization. 

Firearms industry will focus their Radar on how the person they want to hire has been handling firearms in the past. 

Some other organizations may focus on how the employee has been doing in terms of breaking laws and regulations. 

The main aim of Employment background check

Organizations see many reasons to carry out these checks. If you are already working and the organization suddenly mandates every worker to go for a background check, or you are looking for work but the institution is asking for it. You must be wondering the reason for such a move, don’t worry again as I’m about to reveal to you the possible purpose of employment background check. 

Understand employee’s past employment history 

The truth is that no entity would agree to hire someone that has bad records in their previous positions. 

Employers can carry out background checks to understand why the job seeker left their previous position. 

They also look out for how the intended employee handles past job’s financial needs. 

International terror watch list 

Another purpose for background check that every employee must know is on terror watch list. 

Some people have been designated as potential terrorists. So, organizations don’t want to face law suits for hiring a person already on the government radar as a criminal or terrorist. 

To Shield organizations from liability

Do you know that employers can be seen as terror sponsors if they mistakenly get caught for hiring a terrorist? That’s one reason background checks are now more important. 

People with unclear background can get their way through a company to terrorise the state. 

To select the perfect prospect 

Employers who see background checks as a serious part of their selection process don’t want to miss the perfect candidate. 

Some job applicants like mentioning things that are not true. So, recruiters make use of their background history to verify those claims. 

What every employee needs to know about background check 

The background check has no boundaries as it can involve many parts of your information. 

The employer has the right to verify your social security number plus many other information about the employee. 

In case you have a bad driving history, you must be careful applying for jobs that require driving with caution since they can find out your history. If you have a medical condition that may affect your performance on certain works, then you should not apply for such jobs. The background check will reveal anything you try to hide from your employer. 

Employee information they might check 

What can my employer verify during a background check? It is necessary to present yourself openly because the check will involve the most important data of employees. 

School records 

Your employer may check your records in the school you claim to have attended. Even though some of your school records may not be revealed for confidential reasons, your employer will ask for your consent in this case. 

This check will show your name, academic remarks and grades. 


Employers can seek to check how many times you have filed for bankruptcy in the past. Though it may not affect you in a real sense, some recruiters use this as a tool to discriminate among job prospects. 

Criminal records 

Criminal records are also part of what your employer may check. However, some of the records can not be made available to your recruiter if they are not important in the condition. 

Medical records 

These are very confidential information but when you need to meet a certain health level for work, then your employer may run checks on them. 

There will be no discriminate on your disability but serious consideration on your ability to handle some tasks. 

Credit reports 

Your employer may seek to understand the nature of your credit report when it is essential for the type of you are applying for. 

There is much other information your recruiter may run checks on to determine if you really meet all the requirements for the job. 

The law gives equal playing ground for everyone who applies for a certain job, so no need to be skeptical about background checks if you trust yourself. 

Frequently asked questions 

Who can do a background check

Employers who want to know more about the person they intend to hire have the right to run background checks. 

Does every job require a background check

Not all employers will demand for background checks, especially if you won’t be handling important files and financial services. 

What will employers look for in a background check

This process helps your recruiter to learn more about you. They will verify your criminal records, driving record, bankruptcy, medical records and others. 


Employment background check can determine if you will get a certain Job you applied for. That’s why every job seeker must know what their records look like. 

Employers have the right to check all your information that can help them make wise decisions in the hiring process. This background check can still happen from time to time to learn more about new developments about you.