
Travel tips: 50 best travel tips you should know as a traveler

These travel tips will help you avoid mistakes as you plan on your next trip. Although, you have to travel very often to gain experience and knowledge about traveling in general, tips from a frequent traveler will give you a head start. 

Having a bad travel experience will give you the idea that ‘you shouldn’t travel again’. Imagine spending money to visit your dream country and you later didn’t enjoy the trip, how would you feel? Angry right? That’s why you still need to have clear knowledge about traveling from someone who has been traveling for a very long time. 

Best travel tips you should know as a traveler 

Tips are very important information. 

#1. Read about your destination 

I don’t even have to stress this point since you should have known about the importance of knowing facts about your destination

2. Learn basic language 

Are you traveling to a country that speaks another language? Then you should help yourself by learning basic words in greeting and introducing yourself. If you have time, learn how to read signs. 

3. Travel with family 

One major mistake first time travelers make is thinking they will have more fun without family. No, you will enjoy the trip more with the whole squad. 

4. Learn basic local traditions 

People have their respective culture and traditions. As a traveler, learn some of these cultures to avoid offending them by mistake. 

5. Let people know about your trip

Traveling to another country is generally risky, no matter how safe the country is. So, it’s in your best interest to tell your family and friends about your planned travel. 

6. Don’t borrow to travel 

Plan your travel with your own money unless your employer is sponsoring the trip.

7. Get vaccination 

Many countries still have rules mandating every visitor to show proof of their vaccination. This idea will help the spread of the virus. 

8. Get present to those you will be visiting 

Are you planning to visit a family member or friend? Make sure to buy them a gift. This is a good gesture, especially when you will be staying with them. 

9. Make proper research about destination 

Don’t just depart from your Country home without doing some research to understand your destination better. Some places may have rules you won’t like, so this research will help you prepare very well. 

10. Be flexible with your plans 

Traveling for fun or business mostly doesn’t work as planned, but with flexible schedules, you won’t face challenges. Don’t hesitate to enjoy free side attractions that are not part of your plan. 

11. Book flights early 

This will help you save money. Also, the right time to book flights is 6 months before your departure date if you will be traveling to another country. However, you can book 6 weeks before departure if you are traveling locally. 

12. Try using a VPN when booking flight 

Flight booking websites show prices of tickets based on your IP location. however, you can make use of a VPN to search for a better deal. 

13. Don’t choose expensive accommodation 

Save money by choosing less expensive hotels and accommodation. Research very well and you will find hotels that are very cheap with standard services. 

14. Have extra cash with you 

When traveling to another country, don’t change all your money to the local currency. Have some dollars or your country’s currency with you. 

15. Get ATM card that will work in your destination 

This is very important because your local bank ATM may not work, so your bank has to provide an alternative. 

16. Have extra underwear 

Though you already packed the number enough for your planned stay, what if you decide to extend? So, pack extra underwear to avoid being stranded. 

17. Pack a first aid kit 

This is a very important part of your luggage if you plan on hiking. Although it’s just the basic things and not a heavy box. 

18. But new clothes 

What type of clothes do people wear in your destination? If you find out, also buy the same clothes to blend in. 

19. Pack your own clothes 

Definitely, you will feel comfortable wearing your usual attire when you travel, so do well to pack some of your normal clothes. 

20. Wear your normal shoes 

Shoes are mostly uncomfortable when you wear them for the first time but will become comfortable later. So, wear already comfortable shoes. 

21. Avoid clothes that need too much attention 

So, you don’t even know if there will be laundry available in destinations to care for your special clothes. 

22. Scarf and hat are important 

If you are traveling to a country that requires people to cover their head then you need a scarf and hat when there’s excess sun. 

23. Mark your luggage with your contact information 

Maybe you haven’t heard about this tip before but I assure you it’s very important. 

24. Have picture of your luggage and some important stuff inside 

Doing this will help you locate them easily when they get missing. 

25. Take a photo of your important documents 

Having a copy of your passport and other important documents is a very helpful way of being ready for any circumstances. 

~Gadget Travel tips~ 

26. Have an unlocked phone 

Don’t travel with a phone that is not eligible to make calls when you are in another country. Make sure your phone is in proper working condition to use international networks. 

27. Buy a camera 

How do you even keep track of your movements when you don’t have a camera? This is an important gadget you dearly need. 

28. Pack camera batteries 

Don’t just rely on one battery when you are not sure about the electricity condition of your destination. Have many other batteries to power your camera. 

29. Pack power banks 

This should not be any power bank but a very good one that can power your gadgets for a long time. 

30. Pack your medications 

Very essential even if you are in good health. Strange weather conditions may affect your health. Even if you won’t follow other travel tips, remember to follow this important one. 

31. Be early to the airport 

Another important travel tip you should not play with is going to the airport very early. 

32. Use the restroom before boarding on an airplane 

33. Get a window seat

There are many benefits of getting a window seat. You have the space to feel comfortable. 

34. Seat very close t the plane door 

35. Stay hydrated 

Water should be what you take frequently, even more than food on the airplane and before boarding. 

36. Have a water filter bottle 

It Is essential to keep yourself hydrated along the way and depend less on food if you are going to a far location. 

~Travel tips when you reach your destination~ 

37. Track your expenses 

Don’t just throw money out without keeping a proper record of how you are spending. Apart from this approach helping you spend only on important things, you become a very prudent spender. 

38. Avoid changing currency at the airport 

Many will think this is not a good idea but airport currency rates are not favorable at all. You stand to get better rates when you change other places. 

39. Wake up early 

On your first day in a hotel or any accommodation you are using for your trip, wake up early to verify your luggage. Also, to look around the place and find how things are going. Waking up early and being conscious are very important travel tips you must follow 

40. Exercise 

To keep up with your plan, try to exercise every morning to strengthen yourself for the plan of the day. 

41. Try local food 

Though they may look strange, you should try them out on different occasions. 

42. Visit unpopular places 

Popular Tourist destinations in many countries are overhyped, so try and visit places that no one has heard about. 

43. Interact with the people 

Have time to talk with the locals about their culture and traditions. Ask about the popular destinations in their neighborhood and visit those places with them. 

44. Learn local slogan 

Apart from just learning languages, learn popular slogans that people use in communications. This is not just one of the ordinary Travel tips as it will save your life one day. They will help you understand the people more. 

45. Visit local markets 

Don’t be afraid to visit local markets and shop for whatever you like. Some places have both day and night markets so visit them when you have the time. 

46. Tour the neighborhood 

When you visit a very safe place, don’t hesitate to walk around the neighborhood without a tour guide. You stand to see many things and understand the places better. 

47. Make a new friend 

Thi is a very good move to create a lasting memory about that destination. Try and make a friend whom you can call in times of distress. 

48. Go hiking 

Another important Travel tips for you is to look for locals who know the terrain very well to hike together. It’s a very lovely experience if the place is safe for that. 

49. Travel to a new place 

Don’t just accustom yourself to one particular destination when there are many other places you can visit. 

50. Take photos with the locals 

Very effective way to remember your travels is with the help of a clear photo. So, try and snap plenty of pictures with the locals and your travel partners. 


These Travel tips will help you have a great travel experience on your next vacation. The most important and final tip is to make sure the location is very secured and safe from crimes. However, if you plan to travel to an unsafe location, have someone with you and pack all important gadgets that will help you stay safe.