
What to expect after getting Global Entry interview appointment

Global Entry interview appointment is not something to joke with because many people have been longing for it, but cannot secure a date. So, if you finally land an interview date for your Global Entry Applications, you must get the best preparation to avoid failing the questions. 

Do you know what to expect after getting Global Entry interview appointment? If you have applied with all the important documents then you will encounter simple interviews. Their main aim is to know more about you and confirm if the information you sent during your application is really true. 

Global entry offers a walk-in interview option for applicants who have received their conditional approval, which comes immediately after sending your application. But do you just have to walk into any global entry center for an interview? No. You have to secure an appointment date, and this can be very stressful. Many people have been waiting for over 12 months for the interview but it’s not coming forth. 

What is Global Entry interview appointment

This is the final level of your application for Global Entry membership. The first was submitting your application, the second was getting Conditional approval then this hard one “interview appointment”.

This interview process takes less than 20 minutes in most cases but you should be prepared to spend 40 minutes to 1 hour waiting for your turn. There’s always many other people looking forward for interviews just like you. 

Prepare for this interview very well by ensuring you have all the requirements for it. There are certain documents you must provide for this exercise which you must not forget. 

What you need for your Global Entry interview appointment

There are certain documents you must take with you while going for your interviews— if you still want to be successful. This set of documents are important, whether you want to do a walk-in interview or if you are able to book appointments. 

  • A valid passport 
  • Proof of residence documents (could be any valid documents that can be used as a proof for your residence. You may use your driver’s license, utility bill) 
  • Permanent residence card (Only when you are an immigrant with valid green card) 
  • Conditional approval letter 

What to expect after getting Global Entry interview appointment 

Are you prepared for the Global Entry interview? You should really be ready because without enough knowledge, you may get denied this opportunity. 

Customs and border protection use this process to understand who you are better and decide whether to approve you. 

  • Biometrics: the officers will take your biometrics data as part of the interview process. 
  • Taking of your photos: they will take a photo of you so prepare for this. 
  • Background check: Customs and border protection (CBP) will run background checks on you. This may look simple but their decision mainly depends on the results of these checks. For instance, if you have been involved in any serious crime in the past that has been documented by the police, it will get revealed through this background checks. 

Questions to expect after getting Global Entry interview appointment

Do you want to know the kind of questions to expect from the interview? Then continue as I am about to show you some of the possible questions you may encounter at this interview. Don’t worry about the time this interview will take because it will not take over 20 minutes. 

Some of the questions to expect are;

  • What is your job 
  • Who is your employer 
  • Why do you want to get Global Entry 
  • Have your fingerprint scan ever taken because of an evil act or police arrest 
  • Have you been in any conflict with the customs and border protection agencies 
  • What is your residence status 

Will I get approval after the interview

The Customs and border protection services will determine if you will get approval for Global Entry membership. They will work on your background check to understand your past history and mainly criminal records. If applicants eventually pass this background check, they will face a test on the validity of their documents. The official will have to review all the documents you submit and compare it with what you have in your background information. 

Can I appeal rejection 

You have the opportunity to supply information that may not be part of the initial ones you submitted. However, (CBP) or DHS will carefully evaluate your application before making any decision about your background information. 

Some people get denied for just being arrested in the past for very minimal reasons. If you think the reason for your arrest is insignificant, then go ahead to appeal their decision and sue for further review into your condition. Maybe, you can get a second chance, which is not always likely to happen. Applicants who lack full knowledge about their past may also get rejected for some kind of crime they committed many years ago. 

Your status may also impact your denial. For instance, you need a permanent residence permit for this application. Some people with temporary work permits do try to apply forgetting that their status is not eligible. 

Also, you can’t apply with an expired green card or passport. Your permanent residence permit must be valid before you can send in your application. 

Frequently asked questions 

Can you fail a global entry interview

If you have an ugly criminal record or your information is not matching, then you will definitely fail this interview. There are many other reasons that may lead to failure to pass this interview. 

What do you need to take to your Global Entry interview appointment

You need to have a passport, mode of address confirmation and driver’s license and maybe other information to confirm your address. You will need your permanent residence card if you are a migrant. 

How long does a Global Entry interview take? 

It depends on your information under review. It may take like 10 minutes or up to 20 minutes if there’s many things that need revision in your application. 


Global Entry interview appointment date may be difficult to secure but are you prepared for it after getting a date? If you are not then you have to get yourself ready for it. It may not take too much time but without preparation, you will encounter problems along the way. 

Also remember to go with the necessary documents they recommended for you. 

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